Result4: This result is returned if all the conditions (Condition1, Condition2, and Condition3) are FALSE. In short, this expression can be interpreted as follows: Test condition1, if TRUE, return result1, if FALSE,test condition2, if TRUE, return result2, if FALSE,test condition3, if...
在Excel中,可以通过使用多个IF函数来逐个判断多个条件,并给出不同的返回值。这种做法被称为IF嵌套。示例如下: =IF(condition1, value_if_condition1_true, IF(condition2, value_if_condition2_true, IF(condition3, value_if_condition3_true, value_if_all_conditions_false))) 上述公式中,condition1表示第...
=IF(判斷條件1,符合條件1傳回值,IF(判斷條件2,符合條件2回傳值,IF(判斷條件3,符合條件3回傳值,...) 巢狀IF看起來很複雜,其實不然。簡單來說,即在一個IF函數的回傳值中,再加入一個IF函數,可以在成立時回傳一個IF,也可以在不成立時回傳。 為了幫助大家更好理解,下面我將上方公式重新排版整理式,來解釋...
On the other hand, the AND formula, as part of the logical functions in Excel, serves to verify if all conditions in a test are True. It returns True only when all the specified conditions evaluate to True, providing a simple and effective way to perform multiple logical tests at once. ...
IF(AND(B5>=$F$5,B5<=$F$6),”On time”,”Late”) There are two conditions inAND(B5>=$F$5,B5<=$F$6). The first one checks whether the value ofB5is greater than or equal toF5. The second checks whether the same value is smaller than or equal toF6. If both conditions are ...
Test for two conditions. One way is a nested function of =IF(B4>20000,IF(C4>0.5,0.02*B4,0),0). But this nesting gets out of hand if you have many conditions that have to be met. Use theANDfunction to shorten and simplify the formula.=AND(Test,Test,Test,Test)is True only if al...
Functions for Excel Multiple IF Statements When analyzing large data sets in Excel, you may often need to evaluate multiple conditions simultaneously. It is where the AND and OR functions come in handy. Both these functions return a Boolean value, i.e., Depending on the logical test applied ...
=IF(((D5>=10)*(D5<=20))=1, "Yes", "No") Press Enter. Drag the Fill Handle icon down to duplicate the formula over the range or double-click on the plus (+) symbol. Here’s the result. Example 3 – Applying AND Conditions with the IF Function for a Range of Values Let’...
Excel IF function with multiple conditions (OR logic) To do one thing ifany conditionis met, otherwise do something else, use this combination of the IF and OR functions: IF(OR(condition1,condition2, …), value_if_true, value_if_false) ...
Example 1. Classic nested IF formula Here's a typical example of Excel If with multiple conditions. Supposing you have a list of students in column A and their exam scores in column B, and you want to classify the scores with the following conditions: ...