在单元格B2中,输入以下公式:= IF(ISERROR(MATCH(A2,$ C $ 2:$ C $ 13,0)),“”,A2). 请注意:在上面的公式中:A2是您要比较的列。$ C $ 2:$ C $ 13是您要与之比较的范围。 您可以更改所用变量。 2。 按输入键。 选择单元格B2,然后将填充手柄拖到单元格B15上。 并且所有重复的名称将显示在...
1. Match Columns Using IF Formula A simple IF formula can compare two cells and output custom text if they match or not: =IF(A2=B2,”Match”,”No Match”) Checks if Cell A2 = Cell B2 Returns “Match” if true, “No Match” if false To compare entire columns: Enter IF formula in...
2 5 3 3 8 4 4 2 5 5 0 Type the following formula in cell B1: =IF(ISERROR(MATCH(A1,$C$1:$C$5,0)),"",A1) Select cell B1 to B5. Select Fill in the Editing group, and then select Down. The duplicate numbers are displayed i...
2).End(xlUp).Row Range("D1").Value = "A not in B" Range("E1").Value = "B not in A" For I = 2 To M If IsError(Application.Match(Range("A" & I).Value, Columns("B"), 0)) Then J = J +
1.2比较同一行中的单元格是否完全匹配或不区分大小写(使用IF公式) 如果要逐行比较两列以区分大小写,或获得更多描述(例如Match,Mismatch),则可以使用IF函数。 比较同一行中的单元格是否完全匹配 如果要使用文本“匹配”和“不匹配”来描述比较结果,请使用以下公式: ...
I have two separate worksheets that I would like to search in and then populate a column if two columns represent the same data. I'm having a hard time explaining this so please have patience. I have worksheet1 with column "A" having text and numbers in it. In the same sh...
In Excel, you can use the greater than function to compare columns using logical operators. The greater than operator ">" returns "TRUE" if the value in one cell is greater than the value in another cell and "FALSE" otherwise. To compare two columns and get the result in a third col...
ISNA()checks if the result is #N/A and returns TRUE if the value is missing. TheIF functionshows "Missing" if the value is not found. If the value exists, it leaves the cell blank (or you can show a custom message). 2. Using COUNTIF to compare two columns ...
For i = .Columns(1).Cells.Count To 1 Step -1 If LookupValue = .Cells(i, 1) Then LookupLastItem = .Cells(i, ColNum) Exit Function End If Next i End With End Function 然后,在工作表中像Excel内置函数一样,使用公式: =LookupLastItem($D$2,$A$2:$B$10,2) ...
Hi there, I'm wanting an excel formula that looks at two columns on different spreadsheets and where there is a match, references a different column value as per below: Tab 1 CARDHOLDER (tab/... excel_safely Please try this formula: ...