The menu option for "Save As Template" is easily seen with a right-click on a chart. However, the reverse procedure is not evident. How is a saved template...
*/ function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) { // Get the worksheet named "TableTemplate". let base = workbook.getWorksheet("TableTemplate"); // Get the range to be copied based on the first table. let tableRange = base.getTables()[0].getRange(); // Get the area in a new ...
Each Excel template requires a sheet within the template workbook called "XDO_METADATA". Use this sheet to identify your template to BI Publisher as an Excel template. This sheet is also used to specify calculations and processing instructions to perform on fields or groups in the template. BI...
Configurable template for a value filter to apply to a PivotField. The condition defines what criteria need to be set in order for the filter to operate. Excel.PlaceholderErrorCellValue Represents the value of a cell containing a #BUSY! error. This type of error is used as a placeholder ...
Excel is including all the non active pages created by the automatic page break system. This is making my document, 689 pages long! Please advise me how I...
templateInputStream 空 模板的文件流 templateFile 空 模板文件 charset Charset#defaultCharset 只有csv 文件有用,写入文件的时候使用的编码 autoCloseStream true 自动关闭写入的流 password 空 读取文件的密码 inMemory false 是否在内存处理,默认会生成临时文件以节约内存。内存模式效率会更好,但是容易 OOM writeExcel...
byte[]data=ExcelImportExportTools.impTemplate(DemoUserExcelModel.class,DemoUserExperienceExcelModel.class); 以上代码中,传入了两个模型类,即生成的模板有两个Sheet页,第一个对应DemoUserExcelModel对象,第二个对应DemoUserExperienceExcelModel对象。 返回的data,就是Excel导入模板文件内容,之后将其写入文件即可。
private String idCard; @ApiModelProperty(value = "手机号") @Excel(name = "手机号", orderNum = "4", width = 15D) private String mobile; @ApiModelProperty(value = "城市") @Excel(name = "城市", orderNum = "5") private String city; ...
使用withTemplate(templateName)方法传入模板路径就可以了,有个地方需要注意的是:这里的write方法只传文件路径,不传对象,如果传了对象又会生成新的表头,效果图如下: 注意:EasyExcel导出数据都是生成新的Excel文件,而不是在原来的文件上修改。 行高、列宽
*/ function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) { // Get the worksheet named "TableTemplate". let base = workbook.getWorksheet("TableTemplate"); // Get the range to be copied based on the first table. let tableRange = base.getTables()[0].getRange(); // Get the area in a new ...