VBA代码:将超链接插入电子邮件正文 Sub EmailHyperlink() updated by Extendoffice 20190815 Dim xOtl As Object Dim xOtlMail As Object Dim xStrBody As String xStrBody = "Hi there:" & "" _ & "Please click " & "Here to open the page" & "" _ & "Thank you." On Error Resume Next Set...
链接本文件所在目录: =HYPERLINK( LEFT( CELL("filename",$A$1) , FIND( "[", CELL("filename",$A$1) )-1 ) ,"当前文件夹") 更新CELL("filename",$A$1)是因为如果没有第二个参数时路径是当前选定工作表的路径 发送邮件链接书写方法: mailto:收件人1;收件人2?cc=抄送人&bcc=密送人&subject=主题...
Re: Excel VBA to hyperlink in email body from cell reference you can try like Code: mypath = "\\" & environ("Computername") & mid(thisworkbook.path, 3) & "\" thisworkbook.sheets("sheet3").range("e17") debug.print mypath "Click on the link to open the file : " & _ "<...
I am trying to make a hyperlink from two Excel cells to create a hyperlink longer than 255 characters. I am using the formula =HYPERLINK(A1&B1,"Case Link") but am still getting #VALUE. I can concatenate these together and at least get the text. Is there a way to do this and get ...
How to Remove Hyperlinks – in Word, Excel or Outlook Hyperlinks in documents, emails or tables can be a real help for readers: you just need to click on the marked text and you’re sent to the relevant website. However, these blue text links aren’t always appropriate, since they make...
Windows Vista RC1 is really faster and more stable than previous versions. Though I got an annoying problem in Outlook 2007 Beta 2. The problem was every time when I tried to open a hyperlink in Outlook by clicking on a link in my email, I got this error message: ...
{"__ref":"Forum:board:ExcelGeneral"},"subject":"Re: Excel VBA - Hyperlink","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:4047283"},"parent":{"__ref":"ForumReplyMessage:message:4047265"},"body":"It's working thank you so much 🙂",...
How would I modify the code you sent me to also include a specific hyperlink to the email that goes out? It would be a different hyperlink in each email just like the review date is also specific. Thank you.
Function RangetoHTML(rng As Range) Dim fso As Object Dim ts As Object Dim TempFile As String Dim TempWB As Workbook Dim Hlink As Hyperlink TempFile = Environ$("temp") & "\" & Format(Now, "dd-mm-yy h-mm-ss") & ".htm" 'Copy the range and create a new workbook to past the...
"A file error has occurred" when saving signature in Outlook 2013 "about:internet" being blocked by Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration "Clean up folder" option is greyed out for folders in the online archive "Click here to view more" hyperlink missing or greyed out "Connect to ...