1. 选择要合并的单元格 (Select the Cells to Merge) 首先,打开Excel工作表,使用鼠标点击并拖动选择要合并的相邻单元格。例如,如果你想合并A1、A2和A3三个单元格,可以用鼠标从A1拖动到A3。 2. 找到合并单元格的选项 (Locate the Merge Cells Option) 在Excel的“开始”选项卡中,找到“对齐”组。在这里,你会...
1. 选择要合并的单元格 (Select the Cells to Merge) 首先,打开Excel工作表,使用鼠标点击并拖动选择要合并的相邻单元格。例如,如果你想合并A1、A2和A3三个单元格,可以用鼠标从A1拖动到A3。 2. 找到合并单元格的选项 (Locate the Merge Cells Option) 在Excel的“开始”选项卡中,找到“对齐”组。在这里,你会...
Merge cells:This merges all the selected cells into one single cell. The cells can be selected either horizontally or vertically, or both. It retains the text of the upper-leftmost cell only. Unmerge cells:This unmerges the cells implying that the merged cells are split into separate cells a...
You can merge cells in Excel in a fast way using different shortcuts. Here is a step-by-step guide on How to merge cells shortcut in Excel: Way 1: Using Keyboard Shortcut: Step 1:Open Microsoft Excel open the sheet on which you want to merge cells Step 2:Select the cells you want...
Open the Format Cells dialogue box on the Home Ribbon, or by pressing Ctrl + 1 (Windows shortcut, see the Mac equivalent shortcut). Step 3 Now click on the Alignment tab and then choose Center Across Selection. Note: be sure to uncheck Merge Cells if it’s already checked. ...
Unmerge the Cells from the Ribbon Merge and Unmerge the Cells using a Keyboard Shortcut Unmerge and Fill the Unmerged Cells with the Original Value How to Find the Merged Cells Merge and Un-Merge the cells while working in Excel is a common task. ...
How to Edit Excel Spreadsheet in WPS Office Spreadsheets offer various editing tools to enhance your Excel files. Here are some important ones: 1. Merge Cells: Step 1:Choose the cells for merging. Step 2:Go to Home tab > Merge and Center ...
How to use Shortcut Key Important Points Related Tutorials Fill justify is a life-saver option. The single core motive to use fill justify in Excel is to merge the data from multiple cells into a single cell. And, if you have any other idea to merge text into one cell, leave it. Fil...
A Merge Cells dialog box will appear. In the How to merge option, select Columns into one and choose any delimiter (in my case, it’s a space) in the Combine with field. In my example, I set the Place the results to field to the left column because that’s where I want the mer...
How to merge cells in Excel The header Tests applies to cells C2 to G2, but right now, it looks like it only applies to cell C2 (Unit 1). To make this clearer, let's merge cells C1 to G1. Select cells C1 to G1. From the ribbon, click the Merge icon, which looks like...