VBA代码:合并单元格的颜色交替行 SubKutools_AlternateColor()'Update by ExtendOfficeDimxRgAsRangeDimxCRgAsRangeDimxIRgAsRangeDimxC1,xC2AsIntegerDimxR1AsIntegerDimxCntAsLongDimxLColor,xDCR1,xDCR2AsLongSetxRg=Application.InputBox("Please select the data range:","KutoolsforExcel","",Type:=8)IfTypeNam...
Rows(i).Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) '本行颜色变红色Cells(i, "f") = "是" '本行的F列显示“是”Exit For '不再判断后面的作者End IfNext jNext iEnd Sub 业余代码爱好者 多才多E 9 可以。 蛙人天赋蝈蝈 E见钟情 1 嗯嗯 蛙人天赋蝈蝈 E见钟情 1 我不会代码 比葫芦画个瓢 法克...
constrow = context.workbook.tables.getItem("ExpensesTable").rows.getItemAt(1); row.delete(); 更新表格中的第二列 JavaScript複製 constrow = context.workbook.tables.getItem("ExpensesTable").rows.getItemAt(1); row.values = [["1/15/2017","Best For You Organics Company","Groceries","97.8"]];...
const currentWorksheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet(); currentWorksheet.freezePanes.freezeRows(1); 验证是否已保存了对项目所做的所有更改。测试加载项如果本地 Web 服务器已在运行,并且加载项已加载到 Excel 中,请继续执行步骤 2。 否则,启动本地 Web 服务器并旁加载你的加载项: 若要在...
Yes, Excel has a variety of formatting options to create visually appealing and unique designs for your worksheets. You can experiment with different color schemes, gradients, and patterns to create a unique design. Q3. What if I insert or delete rows in my Excel worksheet? Will the alternate...
It is very helpful to format alternate rows with a different color in a large data for us to scan the data, but, sometimes, there may be some merged cells in your data. To highlight the rows alternately with a different color for the merged cells as below screenshot shown, how could ...
How to highlight a different number of rows in each zebra line In case you want to highlight a different number of rows in each stripe, e.g. shade 2 rows in one color and 3 in another, then you will need to create a custom table style. Assuming that you have already converted a ...
Click the down triangle ▼ to make your color selection. Choosing a new value and color You can create a different color scheme by selecting aCustom Format. ClickOK. You should now see your results applied. How to Highlight Top 10 Items ...
Basically the same technique used here as in post Make a dynamic chart for the most recent 12 months data, however, the named range formula is different. 2.4.1 Drop down list Here are the steps to create the drop-down list in cell C25: Select cell C25. Go to tab "Data" on the rib...