3. Now you know how to convert a date into day using text function 3. How to get a weekday name in excel from a date: WEEKDAY Function The WEEKDAY function returns the name of the weekday that contains a given date.For example, to find out what day of the week ...
在这篇文章中,我们将共同探讨如何在Excel中筛选出日期中的周末(周六和周日)数据。 理论基础 Excel具有强大的日期和时间处理功能,其中最重要的两个函数便是DATE和WEEKDAY。DATE用于生成日期,而WEEKDAY可以返回指定日期对应的星期几数字(如1代表周日,2代表周一,依此类推)。 许多人在处理日期时可能忽略了周末的统计,然...
固定日期节假日:在 D4 单元格输入 =DATE($F$2,B4,C4),DATE 函数把年月日组合为一个日期,D5:D15 单元格一样。 世界急救日:在 D16 单元格输入 =DATE($F$2,9,1)+IF(1<WEEKDAY(DATE($F$2,9,1)),7-WEEKDAY(DATE($F$2,9,1),1)+1+6,6),以2019年9月1日为基础,判断此日(1)是否大于...
Display day of week from date using custom format Another way to show the day names in Excel is by applying acustom number format. This approach allows you to keep the original date value in the cell while visually displaying the day of the week. Here's how to do it: Select the cell(...
Select Columns in Series in, Date from Type options, and Weekday from Date unit. Press OK. This will return the workdays of the week. Read More: How to AutoFill Months in Excel Method 3 – Autofill Workdays Based on a Date with Excel WORKDAY and SEQUENCE Functions Steps: Select the ...
To get the days from the date insert the formula inF5. =SWITCH(WEEKDAY(D5),1,”Sun”,2,”Mon”,3,”Tue”,4,”Wed”,5,”Thu”,6,”Fri”,7,”Sat”) PressENTERand drag down the Fill Handle. This is the output. How to Extract Month and Year from Date in Excel ...
Basic WEEKDAY formula in Excel For starters, let's see how to use the WEEKDAY formula in its simplest form to get the day number from date. For example, to get the weekday from date in C4 with the default Sunday - Saturday week, the formula is: ...
In this article, we will learn about how to get the day name from Date in Excel. Every Date has a day name. In Excel, we can find the day name from Date. There are 7 days in a week named Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. ...
The WEEKDAY Function The Excel WEEKDAY function obtains the day of the week from a date but displays it as a number. By default, 1 is for Sunday, 2 is for Monday, and so on. You would use the following formula to get the day of the week for the date in cell B2. ...
How this formula works To get the Monday of week of the date in cell B3, please use below formula: =B3-WEEKDAY(B3,3) PressEnterkey and and drag auto fill handle over the cells that need this formula. Explanation WEEKDAY function: gets day of the week as a number (1 to 7) from ...