創建散點圖以比較至少兩組值時,可能需要為該系列添加趨勢線以可視化總體趨勢。 Excel的Kutools 提供方便的圖表工具– 將趨勢線添加到多個系列 只需單擊一下,即可幫助您快速在散點圖中添加多個系列的趨勢線。在Excel中為多個系列添加趨勢線 請執行以下操作以在Excel的散點圖中為多個系列添加趨勢線。
To get started,open Exceland select the chart you would like to add a trendline to. If you don't already have a chart,you can create oneby highlighting the cells containing the data and then selecting a chart type from the "Charts" group of the "Insert" tab. Be sure tochoose the ri...
Show trendline equation What is a trendline? How to add a trendline in Excel To start the lesson, we will first convert our dataset to a chart. I am creating ascatter plotfor the example data set. You can add trend lines to any of the below chart types ...
Select Add Trendline 1. The options for the Trendline are displayed. Select the Trend type. Here, Linear. A linear trendline is added to the line chart. Read More: How to Add Trendline Equation in Excel Step 3 – Formatting the Trendline Now we format the trendline. Right-click on the ...
By default, Excel inserts a linear trendline. However, you can add other variations of your choice like, Exponential Linear Logarithmic Polynomial Power Moving Average Set a value in the Forward and Backward fields to project your data into the future. Formatting a trendline is a statistical way...
How to add multiple trendlines in the same chart You can add more than one trendline to your chart. You can either add a trendline for each data series or insert different trendline types for the same data series. Add a trendline for different data series If you have two different data se...
Trendline in Excel.xlsx How to Add a Trendline in Excel – Easy Steps 1. Insert a Chart to Add Trendlines Select B4:C9 >> go to Insert >> click Insert Scatter >> select Scatter. 2. Expand Trendline Options from Chart Elements Click the chart area >> click the PLUS icon >> expand...
Tip.Another quick way to add trendline to an Excel chart is to right-click the data series and then clickAdd Trendline…. How to make a trendline in Excel 2010 To add a trendline in Excel 2010, you follow a different route: On a chart, click the data series for which you want to ...
This example teaches you how to add a trendline to a chart in Excel. First, select the chart. Next, click the + button on the right side of the chart, click the arrow next to Trendline and then click More Options.
Also read:How to Add Axis Titles in Charts in Excel? Adding Forecast Period to the Trendline You can extend the trendline to a couple of periods to show how it would be if the past trend continues. Something as shown below: To do this, change the forecast ‘Forward’ Period value in ...