Excel IF语句是一种逻辑函数,用于根据给定条件的真假来执行不同的操作。当需要根据某个单元格中的内容来进行判断并输出不同的结果时,可以使用"if cell contains"多个输出选项。 具体的语法格式如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("关键词", A1)), "输出选项1", IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("关键词2...
在Excel中,“隱藏”和“取消隱藏”列是常用功能,您可以經常使用它們,您可以輕鬆隱藏這些列,然後再次取消隱藏它們。 但是有時,您需要隱藏一些包含不希望其他人讀取的重要數據的列。 如何保護Excel中隱藏的列不被其他人取消隱藏? 在Excel中,以下步驟可以幫助您防止看到隱藏的列,請這樣做: 1。 點擊選擇全部按鍵 (行號...
The dataset below shows the Number of Visits, the Names of the Sites, and the Dates. Some sites have a cell value (Number of Visits) of 0. In such a situation, you might want to delete rows with the cell value of 0. Method 1 – Using Macro to Delete Certain Rows If Cell Contain...
1. How To Highlight A Row That Contains Specific Text? To highlight a row that contains specific text, select the range where the text is located, then go to the Home tab and click on Conditional Formatting. You must select "Highlight Cells Rules" before selecting "Text that contains." ...
Click on the plus sign (+) next to the row number or column letter that contains the hidden cells. This action will expand the hidden cells and make them visible. Using Plus sign to Unhide Rows in Excel Using the plus sign button to expand hidden cells is a visually intuitive method. ...
Excel shortcut to hide row If you'd rather not take your hands off the keyboard, you can quickly hide the selected row(s) by pressing this shortcut:Ctrl + 9 How to unhide rows in Excel As with hiding rows, Microsoft Excel provides a few different ways to unhide them. Which one to ...
引數類型描述 EmptyCellColumnIndex 數值 找到第一個空白儲存格的欄索引。 EmptyCellRowIndex 數值 找到第一個空白儲存格列的索引。 EmptyCells 資料表 找到空白儲存格清單。例外狀況展開資料表 例外狀況描述 取得空白儲存格失敗 指示從工作表中擷取空儲存格時發生問題。已知...
IF(cell<>"",value_to_return, "") For example, to return "Not blank" in column B if column A's cell in the same row contains any value, you enter the following formula in B2, and then double click the small green square in the lower-right corner to copy the formula down the col...
Case 3.1 – Delete a Row If a Cell Contains Specific Text Steps: Press Alt + F11 to open the VBA window. Go to Insert and select Module to open a new module. Copy the following code: Sub DeleteRowsContainingtext() Dim A As Worksheet Dim B As Integer Dim Step As Long Set A = ...
1. Please enter or copy the following formula into cell C2: =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(C$1,$A2)),C$1,"") 2. Then, drag the fill handle to right to display all the texts which appear in the cell A2 based on the corresponding row data, see screenshot: ...