2。 在裡面選擇特定的單元格對話框中選擇細胞,詳見選擇類型部分,選擇比...更棒然後在下面的框中輸入比較日期特定類型部分,最後單擊OKor申請按鈕。 然後立即選擇日期大於指定日期的單元格。 如果您想免費試用(30天)此實用程序,請點擊下載,然後按照上述步驟進行操作。 使用Kutools for Excel比較日期是否大於另一個日期...
Less Than (<) Greater Than or Equal to (>=) Less Than or Equal to (<=) Not Equal to (<>) In this tutorial, I covered how to compare dates in Excel using simple operators and the IF function. I also covered how to handle comparing dates when you have the time value as a part...
2. If you need to sum values that the dates are greater than or less than today’s date, you should apply the below formula: =SUMIF($A$2:$A$12,"<"&TODAY(),$C$2:$C$12)(sum if less than today) =SUMIF($A$2:$A$12,">"&TODAY(),$C$2:$C$12)(sum if greater than to...
Check if date in cell B6 is larger than or equal to start dates. TheINDIRECT functionis needed to be able to use anExcel tablename in aConditional Formattingformula. TheINT functionremoves the decimal part from positive numbers and returns the whole number (integer) except negative values are ...
Greater than or equal to (A1>=B1)– Checks if the date in one cell is larger than or equal to in another cell. If the first value is greater or equal, the condition is true; otherwise, it is false. Less than or equal to (A1<=B1)– Checks if the date in one cell is smaller...
Count dates greater than or equal to a date in another cell, minus x days.=COUNTIF(B2:B10,">="&B2-"7")Count the number of cells in the range B2:B10 with a date greater than or equal to the date in B2 minus 7 days. Apart from these common usages, you can utilize the COUNTIF...
Specify criteria like equal to, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, etc. Enter the desired character length in the box (e.g., 10 for a maximum of 10 characters). Date and Time Validation in Excel Validating dates and times in Excel ensures accurate data entry. Within Exce...
< Less than <=<> Less than or equal to Example =IF(A1>B1,"A is greater","B is greater")" will compare the values in cells A1 and B1 and display "A is greater" if A1 is larger or "B is greater" if B1 is larger. Part 4: How to Write an IF Statement for Dates in Excel...
nextndays of today's date, use theTODAYfunction to determine the start and end dates. Inside the AND statement, the first logical test checks if the target date is greater than today's date, while the second logical test checks if it is less than or equal to the current date plusndays...
or equal to January 1st, 1985, while the second oneBirthday,"<="&DATE(E3,12,31)checks if the birth date is less than or equal to December 31st, 1985. The COUNTIFS function will return the number of cells that have dates between the two specified days if both COUNTIFS criteria are met...