Microsoft Excel 中 XY 散佈圖顯示的趨勢線方程式不正確。 當您手動替換 「x」 變數的值時,Microsoft Excel 繪製不正確的趨勢線。 趨勢線方程式是一種公式,可尋找最適合資料點的線條。 R 平方值會測量趨勢線可靠性 - R2 越接近 1,趨勢線就越適合資料。 注意 趨勢線公式用於 XY 散佈圖。 此圖表會將 X 軸...
Click on your graph. Go to the Chart Design tab. Select Add Chart Element. Select Trendline. Click on the type of trendline you want to add. Let’s use our example dataset that shows the average monthly temperatures of Texas again. We added a polynomial trendline the first time, so let...
2, 3,…) regardless of whether the axis labels are numbers or text. When you make a trendline in these charts, Excel uses those assumed x-values in the trendline formula.
Create a linear graph with a trendline in it. Data Extrapolation with FORECAST Function Steps: Select the empty cell we want to forecast. Click on the function button in the formula bar. A dialog box will appear. Search for the FORECAST function and select FORECAST from the results and click...
Insert a graph and add a trendline (as in Method 1). In cell F7, enter the following formula: =SLOPE(C5:C12,B5:B12)*F6+INTERCEPT(C5:C12,B5:B12) Press ENTER to calculate the interpolated value. The final graph chart, after adding the interpolate value, will appear. Follow Method 1, ...
Double-click the trendline to open its pane. On the pane, switch to theTrendline Options taband check these boxes: Display Equation on chart Display R-squared value on chart This will put the trendline formula and the R2value at the top of your graph, and you are free to drag them wher...
When I create a polynomial trend line for my data graph, which fits the curve of my data well, selecting to display the model equation on the graph, if I try...
How do I write this formula in an Excel cell? y = 4E-11x3 - 3E-07x2 + 0.001x Highlight the formula on the graph and change the Number Category in the Format Trend Line Label from General to Number and set the Decimal Places to a high number such as 15. The equation should now...
The style of chart's trendline is incorrect in the exported PDF file.(DOCXLS-7381) The arrow mark is missed in the exported PDF file.(DOCXLS-7383) Exception is thrown on loading particular SSJSON file.(DOCXLS-7386) The table formula is lost when loading particular SSJSON file.(DOCXLS-...
onFormulaChanged 在此集合的任何工作表中更改一个或多个公式时发生。 此事件适用于公式本身发生更改时,而不是公式计算产生的数据值。 onMoved 在工作簿中移动工作表时发生。 仅当工作表直接在工作簿中移动时,才会触发此事件。 当工作表的位置间接更改时(例如插入新工作表并导致现有工作表更改位置时),此事件不会...