传递给 Series.GeoProjectionType 属性并由其返回的常量。 Members 展开表 名称值Description xlGeoProjectionTypeAutomatic 0 启发式选择最佳地图投影。 xlGeoProjectionTypeMercator 1 使用墨卡托地图投影。 xlGeoProjectionTypeMiller 2 使用米勒地图投影。 xlGeoProjectionTypeAlbers 3 使用Albers 地图投影。 xlGeoProjecti...
Excel.ChartMapProjectionType 表示图表系列布局的区域投影类型。 这仅适用于区域地图图表。 Excel.ChartMarkerStyle Excel.ChartParentLabelStrategy 表示图表系列布局的父标签策略。 这仅适用于树状图 Excel.ChartPlotAreaPosition Excel.ChartPlotBy Excel.ChartSeriesBy 指定序列是按行还是按列。 在桌面版 Excel...
To draw the trendline, select the sales and trend values (B1:C13) andmake a line chart(Inserttab >Chartsgroup >Line or Area Chart). As the result, you have both the numeric values for the line of best fit returned by the formula and a visual representation of those values in a graph...
指定图表组中指定序列的地域投影类型。 XlGeoProjectionType 类型,可读写。 语法 表达式。GeoProjectionType 表达 一个代表 Series 对象的变量。 支持和反馈 有关于 Office VBA 或本文档的疑问或反馈? 请参阅 Office VBA 支持和反馈,获取有关如何接收支持和提供反馈的指南。反馈 此页面是否有帮助? 是 否 中文...
G Projec In the table in Columns F, G, H, this is the "final result" of the data, and I've plotted a simple line graph for Column F and Column H. I noticed there's some sort of (exponential?) growth decay for Column H? Is there a (mathematical) way to get an equation/formul...
XlGeoProjectionType XlGeoMappingLevel XlGradientFillType XlHAlign XlHebrewModes XlHighlightChangesTime XlHtmlType XlIcon XlIconSet XlIMEMode XlImportDataAs XlInsertFormatOrigin XlInsertShiftDirection XlLayoutFormType XlLayoutRowType XlLegendPosition
How to create a sparkline – Line 1. How to create a column chart The clustered column chart allows you to graph data in vertical bars, this layout makes it easy to compare values across categories. Use this chart type when order of categories is not important. The categories are displayed...
A graph with a gap between the main data will be displayed. Select theGapdata. Go toSeries Options. InFill, selectNo Fill. InBorder, selectNo Line. Select the data in the gap and click the plus sign on the right. CheckData Labels. ...
A graph with a gap between the main data will be displayed. Select theGapdata. Go toSeries Options. InFill, selectNo Fill. InBorder, selectNo Line. Select the data in the gap and click the plus sign on the right. CheckData Labels. ...
Posts: 72,839 Graph based on table how to... by SolitaryCOworker Yesterday,10:03 PM Title/Thread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post By Sticky:Welcome to new Forum Guru - Sintek Started byFDibbins, 06-03-2024 11:41 PM 21 4,169