在我们的例子中,解决方案是 135,294 个单位。当然,我们可以通过从年度目标中减去累计总额来得出这一点。但是 Goal Seek 也可以在已经有数据的单元格中使用。这更有用。请注意,Excel 会覆盖我们之前的数据。最好在数据副本上运行 Goal Seek。在复制的数据上记下它是使用 Goal Seek 生成的也是一个好主意。您不...
图2 点击“数据”(Data)功能区选项卡,然后点击模拟分析(What-IfAnalysis)图标下拉菜单(最右侧)并选择“单变量求解”(GoalSeek)。打开的对话框以及各项输入值如图2所示。 在“目标值:”(To value:)框中输入0,在“可变单元格:”(By changing cell:)框中输入B5,然后点击“确定”(OK)。 图3 如果达到目标值,则...
6. Use Goal Seek again. Excel returns a more precise solution. More about Goal Seek There are many problems Goal Seek can't solve. Goal Seek requires a single input cell and a single output (formula) cell. Use theSolverin Excel to solve problems with multiple input cells. Sometimes you ...
When using Goal Seek, you need to define these variables precisely. You can do this by selecting the cell that contains the input value, which is a variable in your calculation. If your data has multiple variable cells, then you need to define them all to get an accurate result. It is...
The Goal Seek function in Excel is a way to find a solution to a problem by altering one of the underlying assumptions in order to get the desired output. This method is also known as What-if Analysis. The excel use goal seek function to solves the problem by using a form of backwards...
Excel VBA GoalSeek是一种在Excel中使用Visual Basic for Applications(VBA)编程语言的功能,用于解决特定目标的数学方程。它可以通过调整单元格中的值来实现特定单元格的目标值。 Excel VBA GoalSeek的分类: Excel VBA GoalSeek属于Excel的数据分析工具之一,用于数值计算和解决问题。 Excel VBA GoalSeek的优势: 自动化...
Excel provides another iteration tool, which is more powerful than Goal Seek, called Solver. Whereas Goal Seek enables you to find a solution to the equationf(x) ≈a, Solver enables you to solve equations in multiple unknowns, such asf(x1,x2,…xn) ≈a. It also allows you to find the...
public bool GoalSeek (object Goal, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range ChangingCell); 参数 Goal Object 必需的 对象。 希望在该单元格中返回的结果。 ChangingCell Range 必需Range。 指定为获得目标值而应更改的单元格。 返回 Boolean 注解 如果此特定结果是由某公式返回的量,本方法将求出该公式中未知...
按一下 [狀況分析 (Scenario Analysis)],再按 [搜尋目標 (Goal Seek)],啟動精靈。 選取[服務等級 (Service Grade)] 作為目標資料行。 選取[範圍 (In range)],然後輸入 0 到.05。也就是說,該怎麼做才能將漏失撥接降低到 5%? 如果目標資料行含有連續數值,您也可以根據需要指定值的上升或下降範圍。例如,...
So Goal Seek is one of the mostuseful Excel functions, but it's not all that impressive. You can only use it on a single cell at a time. If you want to use Excel's Goal Seek on multiple cells simultaneously, you'll need a much more powerful tool. Fortunately, one such tool comes...