In Excel, there are both formulas can get month from given week number and year. Click the cell that you want to get month and type this formula =CHOOSE(MONTH(DATE(A2,1,B2*7-2)-WEEKDAY(DATE(B2,1,3))),"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "Augu...
1/ The week number that the first day of the month falls within. In the case of 1st April 2021 this is week 14 of the year (you have opted for System 1 when the week containing January 1st is considered the first week of the year and is numbered 1. You have also set the week t...
=IF(WEEKDAY(A1)=1,"星期日",IF(WEEKDAY(A1)=2,"星期一",IF(WEEKDAY(A1)=3,"星期二",IF(WEEKDAY(A1)=4,"星期三",IF(WEEKDAY(A1)=5,"星期四",IF(WEEKDAY(A1)=6,"星期五","星期六"))) 这样,B1单元格将返回"星期五"。 二、MONTH函数 MONTH函数可以返回指定日期的月份。它的语法如下: ...
在目标单元格中输入公式“=SWITCH(WEEKDAY(B4,2),'1','星期一','2','星期二','3','星期三','4','星期四','5','星期五','6','星期六','7','星期日','输入错误')”,然后点击回车即可。 解读: 公式中先使用 WEEKDAY 函数获取指定日期所属数字星期,然后再使用 SWITCH 函数进行判断。SWITCH 函...
When working on many financial and other worksheets, the date is a crucial factor. We frequently need to enter the beginning of a month, year, or week depending on our needs. For example, if you want to know the date at which the week begins from a certa
Usually, the argument N is in the scale of the integer 1-4, if you want to find the fifth specific weekday, supposing the 5th Tuesday of 1/1/2021, it will get the first Tuesday of the next month, 2/2/2021. Return Value
In this article, we will learn how to get Nth weekday of month in Excel.At Instance, while working with date values, sometimes we need to get the 2nd Wednesday of September given any date of the month in Excel. How to solve the problem?
实例:公式“=MONTH("2006/1/1")”返回1,“=MONTH(38718)”返回1,“=M ONTH(DATEVALUE("2000/6/1"))”返回6,如图2-8所示。★图2-88.WEEKDAY函数用途:返回某日期的星期数。在默认情况下,它的值为1(星期天)到7(星期六)之间的一个整数。语法:...
Instead of referring to a cell, you can specify the date directly in the formula by using the DATE(year, month, day) function, for example: =WEEKNUM(DATE(2015,4,15), 2) The above formula returns 16, which is the number of the week containing April 15, 2015, with a week beginning ...
How do I get the week number in a MONTH in Excel? To get the week number in a month, you can use the WEEKDAY function and the OFFSET function. The function takes as input a date and returns the week number of the first Tuesday of the given month. The function takes as an input ...