Date: the date that you used to find the Monday of the week. Return Value The formula returns a value in date format. How this formula works To get the Monday of week of the date in cell B3, please use below formula: =B3-WEEKDAY(B3,3) ...
上式:= TEXT(A2,“ dddd”)将给出当天的全名,例如:Sunday,Monday…等; 和这个公式:= TEXT(A2,“ ddd”)将给出日期的缩写名称:Sun,Mon,Tue…等。 您可以根据需要应用其中之一。 使用Kutools AI解锁Excel魔法 智能执行:执行单元格操作、分析数据和创建图表——全部由简单的命令驱动。 自定义公式:生成定制公式...
VBA:创建每月日历。 Sub CalendarMaker() Unprotect sheet if had previous calendar to prevent error. ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=False, Contents:=False, _ Scenarios:=False Prevent screen flashing while drawing calendar. Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set up error trapping. On Error GoTo MyErr...
("a2:g2") .ColumnWidth =11.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter .Orientation = xlHorizontal .Font.Size =12.Font.Bold =True.RowHeight =20EndWith' Put days of week in a2:g2.Range("a2") ="Sunday"Range("b2") ="Monday"Range("c2") =...
Week_number: the number indicates which weekday you want to get. Excel assigns 1 to Sunday and 7 to Saturday. For example, to get the most recent Monday, the weekday_number is 2. 回报值 该公式返回一个5位数字。 由于Excel将日期存储为数字,因此为了获得可视日期,您可以以日期格式显示公式结果...
使用格式:WEEKDAY(serial_number,return_type) 参数说明:serial_number代表指定的日期或引用含有日期的单元格;return_type代表星期的表示方式[当Sunday(星期日)为1、Saturday(星期六)为7时,该参数为1;当Monday(星期一)为1、Sunday(星期日)为7时,该参数为2(这种情况符合中国人的习惯);当Monday(星期一)为0、Sunda...
=WEEKDAY(DATE(2025, 1,1)) To use the day mapping other than the default Sun-Sat, enter an appropriate number in the second argument. For example, to start counting days from Monday, the formula is: =WEEKDAY(C4, 2) In the image below, all the formulas return the day of the week ...
11 Monday 1-7 Monday-Sunday 12 Tuesday 1-7 Tuesday-Monday 14 Thursday 1-7 Thursday-Wednesday 15 Friday 1-7 Friday-Thursday 16 Saturday 1-7 Saturday-Friday 17 Sunday 1-7 Sunday-Saturday Example 1 – Basic Examples of WEEKDAY Function If the days are given in date format and do not nee...
Breakdown of the Formula DATE(B5, 1, -2) – WEEKDAY(DATE(B5, 1, 3)): This returns the last Monday of the previous year. C5 * 7: By adding the number of weeks multiplied by 7 we get the Monday of the given year. In the ISO week calculation system, the week containing the firs...
4.Press the enter key. This should display the date corresponding to beginning of week. The above method will give Monday as the beginning of the week. By following this method you can get beginning of week in excel. WPS Office: Use Word, Excel, and PPT for FREE, No Ads. ...