搜索了一下,百度没有完美的解决方案,最后在CodePlex网站上找到一篇文章(Import Excel data to SharePoint list),作者自己编写了一个Feature,据作者本人说是在SharePoint上和WSS上都可以用,可以说是功能强大。正好最近需要用到数据导入,先试验了一下,在SharePoint上安装很顺利,使用起来非常方便。感谢ramp的成果。 先给...
一、 1: 没有安装与 Windows SharePoint Services 兼容的数据表组件 2:浏览器不支持 ActiveX 控件 3:或者禁用了对 ActiveX 控件的支持 解决方法: 进入注册表,找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/ActiveX Compatibility键值,查看其中是否有一项为{65bcbee4-7728-41a0-97be-14e1cae36aae}(...
When retrieving data from Excel on your machine or from SharePoint, consider both the volume of the data involved, as well as the complexity of the workbook. You'll notice performance degradation when retrieving very large files from SharePoint. However, this is only one part of the problem....
DataFormat.Error: The specified package is invalid. The main part is missing. 主机上未安装ACE 驱动程序时会发生此错误。 以“Strict Open XML 电子表格”格式保存的工作簿只能由 ACE 读取。 但是,由于此类工作簿使用与常规 Open XML 工作簿 (.xlsx) 相同的文件扩展名,因此无法使用该扩展名来显示寻常的the...
Hi, I have successfully pulled data from SharePoint List into excel using "Get Data from Online Sources" for further analytics. One issue I am running...
sharepoint通过excel导入list时报错:导入数据时(方法'Post'作用于对象'IOWSPostData'时失败) 导入数据时(方法'Post'作用于对象'IOWSPostData'时失败)解决方法:1、使用EXCLE2007软件打开office安装目录下的2052文件夹下的EXPTOOWS.XLA文件2、进入菜单栏中视图——宏——查看宏3、在弹出的宏窗口,宏名处随便输入...
DataBodyRange DisplayName DisplayRightToLeft HeaderRowRange InsertRowRange ListColumns ListRows Name Parent QueryTable Range SharePointURL ShowAutoFilter ShowAutoFilterDropDown ShowHeaders ShowTableStyleColumnStripes ShowTableStyleFirstColumn ShowTableStyleLastColumn ShowTableStyleRowStripes ShowTotals Sl...
Microsoft Access database Microsoft SharePoint Foundation list Microsoft SQL Server database Other OLEDB or ODBC data source Previously created connection Complete the remainder of the wizard. Note:If you choose an option other than an Excel workbook,...
public Object nullValue() Get the nullValue property: The null value string. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Returns: the nullValue value.range public Object range() Get the range property: The partial data of one sheet. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string...
If prompted and you trust the SharePoint site, in the Excel security page, selectEnable. In the ExcelImport Datadialog box, select theHow you want to view this dataandWhere do you want to put the dataoptions. When done, selectOK. The list should appear in Excel. ...