Function GETCOMMTEXT(rCommentCell As Range) Dim cmnt As String On Error Resume Next cmnt = WorksheetFunction.Clean(rCommentCell.Comment.Text) GETCOMMTEXT = Right(cmnt, Len(cmnt) - InStr(1, cmnt, ":", vbTextCompare)) On Error GoTo 0 End Function ...
After selecting the cell and clicking onOK, the last cell of the column containing data will be selected like in the image below. How to Get Cell Value Using VBA in Excel Reading Cell Value We will show a cell’s value in a message box. We will take a cell as an input and read it...
If the comment object does not exist, then this method returns undefined. getCommentByCell(cellAddress) Gets the comment from the specified cell. If there is no comment in the cell, an error is thrown. getCommentByReplyId(replyId) Gets the comment to which the given reply is connected. ...
In a worksheet, to insert a comment in a cell is very easy, but when you want to insert the same comment into multiple cells at the same time, how could you do? Insert a comment to multiple cells with Paste Special feature Insert a comment to multiple cells with VBA codeInsert...
CellFormat 代表单元格格式的搜索条件。 Characters 代表包含文本的对象中的字符。 使用 Characters 对象可修改包含在全文本字符串中的任意字符序列。 Chart 代表工作簿中的图表。 图表可以是嵌入图表 (包含在 ChartObject)中,也可以是单独的图表工作表。 ChartArea 代表图表的图表区。 二维图表的图表区包含坐标轴...
If you have installed Kutools for Excel, the Convert Comment and Cell of Kutools can help you to convert cell contents to comments quickly and conveniently. Please do as follows: 1. Highlight the range you would like to convert them to comments. 2. Click Kutools > More > Convert Comment ...
I am trying to retrieve Note/Comment Cell text using VBA. I have no problem getting the text for a cell note but I have not found a way to get the text for a cell comment. Example code. str = Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Comment.Text ...
You can also edit a comment by right-clicking the cell that contains it and clicking the Edit Comment option. Remove the User Name from a Comment This is simple to do; follow the steps above for adding or editing a comment and just delete the name when you get to the step for writing...
How to Remove Comment from Cell Using Excel VBA Create aModulein theVisual Basic Editor. Enter this code in theModule. Sub Deletecomment() For i = 5 To 10 'This line will delete existing comment on every cell Cells(i, 4).Comment.Delete Next i End Sub ...
ExcelWorksheet worksheet= package.Workbook.Worksheets["Sheet1"];//获取单元格A1ExcelRange cell = worksheet.Cells["A1"];//设置注释ExcelComment comment = cell.AddComment("这是一个注释"); comment.Author="John"; comment.AutoFit=true;//获取注释的 RichText 对象ExcelRichText richText = comment.Rich...