Function RemoveUnwantedChars(Str As String, xchars As String) 'Updateby Extendoffice For Index = 1 To Len(xchars) Str = Replace(Str, Mid(xchars, Index, 1), "") Next RemoveUnwantedChars = Str End Function Copy 3. 然后,关闭代码窗口并返回工作表,输入此公式 =删除不需要的字符(A2,$D$...
如果要去掉某个字符串中的所有数字,例如将一个字符串“Excel123”去掉数字后变为“Excel”,可以用自定义函数来实现。按Alt+F11打开VBA编辑器,单击菜单“插入→模块”,在右侧的代码窗口中输入自定义函数: Function RemoveNums(theString As String)Dim eachChar, Temp As StringDim i As IntegerTemp = ""For i ...
Function RemoveNumbersFromCell(gTxt As String) As String With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") .Global = True .Pattern = "[0-9]" RemoveNumbersFromCell = .Replace(gTxt, "") End With End Function Visual Basic复制 使用指南 步骤_1:首先,转到“开发人员”选项卡。 Step_2:其次,单击“代码”组中...
Step_3:复制以下代码: Function RemoveLastThreeDigits(inputText As String) As String If Len(inputText) <= 3 Then RemoveLastThreeDigits = "" Else RemoveLastThreeDigits = Left(inputText, Len(inputText) - 3) End If End Function Visual Basic复制 步骤_4:按 CTRL + V 将代码粘贴到我刚刚创建的空...
Function Remove_Trail_Number(stdTxt As String) Dim strg As String, x As Integer, y As Integer stdTxt = Trim(stdTxt) y = 1 For x = Len(stdTxt) To 1 Step -1 If IsNumeric(Mid(stdTxt, x, 1)) Then strg = Left(stdTxt, Len(stdTxt) - y) y = y + 1 Else: GoTo done End ...
Function RemoveCharactersFromRight(str As String, cnt_chars As Long) RemoveCharactersFromRight = Left(str, Len(str) - cnt_chars) End Function Step 5: Apply Formula Return to the worksheet, enter formula like =RemoveCharactersFromRight(B4,5) in the desired cell. ...
Function DeleteNonAlphaNumeric(xStr As String) As String Dim xStrR As String Dim xCh As String Dim xStrMode As String Dim xInt As Integer xStrMode = "[A-Z.a-z 0-9]" xStrR = "" For xInt = 1 To Len(xStr) xCh = Mid(xStr, xInt, 1) If xCh Like xStrMode Then xStrR = ...
Important: The Clean function was designed to remove the first 32 nonprinting characters in the 7-bit ASCII code (values 0 through 31) from text. In the Unicode character set, there are additional nonprinting characters (values 127, 129, 141, 143, 144, and 157). By itself, the Clean ...
functionmain(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook){// Get first worksheet.letsheet = workbook.getWorksheets()[0];// Remove that worksheet from the workbook.sheet.delete(); } 进一步了解对象模型 Office 脚本 API 参考文档是 Office 脚本中使用的对象的完整列表。 在这里,可以使用目录导航到想进一步了解的任何课...
' Remove leading spaces from the cell value cell.Value = LTrim(cell.Value) Next cell End Sub logo The Functionality of Trim and The Find and Delete Method TheTRIM function in Excelis used to remove leading and trailing spaces from a text string. It is useful for cleaning up data where ...