ElseIf 判断的单元格 >= 中级 Then 会员等级 = "中级"Else 会员等级 = "普通"End If End Function 代码解析(这里不是代码,不要复制):1、代码必须放在模块中才能使用,所以一定要按照上面的操作步骤来,把代码粘贴到模块中。2、Function 后面的会员等级这几个字就是函数的名称,是自定义的,可以修改,只要不...
Note: It is better to use the “Insert Function” method if you’re writing a simple IF-THEN function, as it launches a formula builder that will help you eliminate the risks of errors when inputting your formula. This method will automatically input the appropriate punctuations and formats a...
通常,可以像内置工作表函数一样,在工作表公式中调用Function过程。例如,下面的代码用来获取所传递的参数中的数字: '获取文本字符串中的数字 Function GetNum(rng As String) Dim lngLen As Long Dim i As Long, result lngLen = Len(rng) For i ...
VBA代码:单元格中每个大写字母之前插入空格 Function SplitWords(ByVal Str As String) As String updateby Extendoffice 20151128 Dim I As Integer SplitWords = Left(Str, 1) For I = 2 To Len(Trim(Str)) If (Asc(Mid(Str, I, 1)) > 64) And _ (Asc(Mid(Str, I, 1)) < 91) And _ (M...
If ReturnValue(i) = True Then Debug.Print i End If End Sub Function ReturnValue(ByRef myValueAs Integer) As Boolean myValue = myValue + 1 ReturnValue = True End Function 运行代码后的结果如下图3所示。ReturnValue函数返回值True,同时改变...
Public Function JS(C) As Double '计算表达式,支持单元格区域 On Error Resume Next For k = 1 To C.Count P = C.Item(k) '空则为0,可以提速 If P = "" Then JS = 0 Exit For Else '替换掉非标符号 A = Array("【", "】", "+", "-", "×", "÷", "(", ")", ",", "。"...
Function msort(a, temp, first, last, left, right, key) Dim i, j, k, kk, mid If first <> last Then mid = (first + last) \ 2 msort a, temp, first, mid, left, right, key msort a, temp, mid + 1, last, left, right, key i = first: j = mid + 1: k = first While...
Related:How to use the Excel IF-THEN function in spreadsheets FAQs aboutExcel text function What is the Find function in Excel for text? The Find function in Excel is used to locate the position of a specific text within another text string. ...
function test(A,B,N as long) dim i,j for i = 1 to 65536 if range("M" & i).value =A or range("M" & i).value =B then j= j +1 if N = j then test = range("A" & i).value exit for end if end if next i end function EXCEL...
公式:=IF(A16="DXTM",IF(LEN(MID(B16,1,22))=21,"为21位","不为21位")&"-"&IF(EXACT(ExtractChars(B16),UPPER(ExtractChars(B16)))=FALSE,"存在小写","不存在小写"),"编码有误")。VBA:Function ExtractEnglishChars(rng As Range) As StringDim cell As RangeDim txt As StringFor Each cell ...