例如,您需要在工作計劃的日期範圍內找出工作日(不包括週末)。 與手動計算日曆中的周數相比,Excel的Kutools“兩個日期之間的工作天數公式可以幫助您快速計算兩個日期之間的工作日數。Excel的Kutools還提供了兩個日期之間的非工作天數計算兩個日期之間的周末數量的公式,以及計算特定工作日的數量星期一說,計算Excel中兩個...
The formula returns to a numeric value. How this formula works In cell B3 and C3 are the two dates you want to count the specific weekday between, and in the E3 is the weekday number, please use formula as this:=SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(B3&":"&C3)))=E3)) ...
例如,您需要找出工作日程的日期范围内的工作日(周末除外)。 与手动计算日历中的周数相比,Kutools for Excel“两个日期之间的工作天数公式可以帮助您快速计算两个日期之间的工作日数。Kutools for Excel还提供了两个日期之间的非工作天数计算两个日期之间的周末数量的公式,计算特定工作日的数量星期一说,计算Excel中两个...
DATEDIF function: returns the years, months or days between two dates.Relative Formulas Count Weekdays only between two datesThis tutorial provides formulas to count the days excluding weekends and holidays between two dates Count Days Left In Current Month Or YearIntroducing formulas for counting the...
vbMonday)<6ThenxIndex=xIndex+1Weekdays(xIndex)=DateSerial(pYear,1,i)EndIfNextReDimPreserve Weekdays(1ToxIndex)Fori=xIndexTo1Step-1RndIndex=Int(i*Rnd+1)Temp=Weekdays(RndIndex)Weekdays(RndIndex)=Weekdays(i)Weekdays(i)=TempNextRandomizeDates=Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Weekdays)End...
NETWORKDAYS(start_date, end_date, [holidays])function returns the number of weekdays between two dates that you specify. It automatically excludes weekend days and, optionally, the holidays. For example, the following formula calculates the number of whole workdays between the start date in A2 an...
In cell F5, enter the following formula and press Enter to get the days between the two selected dates excluding the weekdays: =NETWORKDAYS(C5,D5,$C$11:$F$12) Formula Explanation: Inside the arguments, C5 and D5 are Start Date & End Date. $C$11:$F$12 means we’re selecting the ...
Tip.To calculateweekdays between two dates, use theNETWORKDAYSorNETWORKDAYS.INTLfunction. If weekday then, if Saturday or Sunday then Finally, let's discuss a bit more specific case that shows how to determine the day of the week, and if it's Saturday or Sunday then do something, if a ...
The formula returns these results with our case example: Recommended Reading: How to calculate business days between two dates Calculating the Number of Weekends (Weekend is Saturday and Sunday) We just saw how to calculate the number of weekdays and now we will calculate the number of weekend ...
Use the formula:=NETWORKDAYS(A4,B4)*8As you can see, formula returns weekdays or working hours in excel. You must be wondering why there is a negative hours, and it can't be so. It means the start date is after the end date. Negative value also finds out the defau...