VLOOKUP函数是一个运用非常广的纵向查找函数。 语法:VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,[range_lookup]) lookup_value:要查找的值 table_array:要查找的区域 col_index_num:返回数据在查找区域的第几列数 range_lookup:精确匹配/近似匹配 案例:精确查找 案例:模糊查找 案例:反向查找 查找函数2 Find...
Then, turn the nested function into anarray formulaby pressingCtrlShiftEnter. Finally, add the search terms to the worksheet. This article explains how to create a lookup formula that uses multiple criteria in Excel to find information in adatabaseor table of data by using anarray ...
Insert the following formula:=VLOOKUP(B2,Sheet 2!$D$2:$E$6,2,0) Enter formula By clicking and dragging the small "+" button at the bottom-right of the cell, you may move the formula down to the other cells in the column. Drag the small plus button INDEX and MATCH Functio...
The complexity of the code rises as the number of criteria in the nested if-else block increases.The use of several if statements complicates software testing. How do you Use VLOOKUP and IF Together? You can use VLOOKUP and IF together to perform conditional lookup. For example: =IF(VLOOKUP...
【参数】logical1,logical2,……结果是TRUE或FALSE的检测条件,检测内容可以是逻辑组、数组或者引用。 5、VLOOKUP 【用途】搜索表区域首列满足条件的元素,确定待检索单元格在区域中的行序号,再进一步返回选定单元格的值,默认情况下,表是以升序排列。 【语法】VLOOKUP(vlookupvalue,tablearray,col-index-num,rangelookup...
You can use the below steps to write this formula: First, enter VLOOKUP in a cell, and the lookup_value argument refers to the cell where you have the lookup value. After that, enter a comma and click “Sheet 2” to open it.
VLOOKUP with 2 criteria or more by using the INDEX and MATCH functions in Excel. The step-by-step tutorial will show you how to build the formula and learn how it works!
I have a table with four columns: Price Tier, Min, Max, % rate. I want to use a vlookup in excel to determine the appropriate % rate based on the input from the user, and then compute the markup price (dynamic price tiers).I
Search columns and rows combine VLOOKUP() and HLOOKUP() for a more comprehensive search. Search columns to the left replace INDEX() MATCH() patterns, enabling you to use a combination that best works for your search. The formula is more robust in that it doesn't "break" when columns are...
VLOOKUP with 2 criteria or more by using the INDEX and MATCH functions in Excel. The step-by-step tutorial will show you how to build the formula and learn how it works!