Method 1 – Using Excel ROUND Function to Round Numbers to Nearest 1000 TheROUNDfunction round numbers to the nearest 1,000 based on general math rules. If the hundreds place digit of a number is less than 5, then the hundreds place is replaced by 0. If the hundreds place digit of a ...
Round to nearest 1000/100/10/1/0.1 Round number up/down with Kutools for ExcelRound to nearest 1000s/100s/10s/1s/0.1s To round value to nearest 1000/100/10/1/0.1, you can do as following steps: Round to nearest 1000s Place this formula =ROUND(A2,-3) ...
=ROUND(number / multiple, 0) * multiple =ROUND(123456789 / 100, 0) * 100 This formula is perfect if MROUND isn’t suitable (e.g., it’s not available in your version of Excel). Other Methods to Round a Number to the Nearest 1000 ...
If the number is positive, the formula rounds down. If the Significance number has fractions or decimal parts, the rounding will not result in an integer number. You can use the FLOOR.MATH function to automatically round the number down to an integer. Read More: Round Down to Nearest 10 ...
=ROUND(A2,-2) Copy this in below cells. How it works: Actually when we pass a negative number toROUND function, it round the numbers before decimal point. So to round to nearest 1000 we just need to replace -2 to -3 in formula. ...
The tutorial explains the uses of ROUND, ROUNDUP, ROUNDDOWN, FLOOR, CEILING, MROUND and other Excel rounding functions and provides formula examples to round decimal numbers to integers or to a certain number of decimal places, extract a fractional part, round to nearest 5, 10 or 100, and mo...
Round to Nearest 10 =ROUND(B3,-1) Try our AI Formula Generator Generate Round to Nearest 100 =ROUND(B3,-2) Round to Nearest 1000 =ROUND(B3,-3) Round Up or Round Down to Nearest 100 You can use the ROUNDUP or ROUNDDOWN Functions to round a number up or down instead of using stan...
=ROUND(A2,-2) Copy this in below cells. How it works: Actually when we pass a negative number toROUND function, it round the numbers before decimal point. So to round to nearest 1000 we just need to replace -2 to -3 in formula. ...
With the help of the TRUNC function, you will understand how to round the nearest whole number in Excel. You will see the TRUNC function as limiting the decimal fraction and rounding the number. [num_digits]=0 The above formula is set in the argument value to convert the number to an ...
2. Round a number to two decimal places. 3. Round a number to one decimal place. 4. Round a number to the nearest integer. 5. Round a number to the nearest 10. 6. Round a number to the nearest 100. 7. Round a number to the nearest 1000. 8. Round a negative number to one ...