How to Square a Number in Excel? Using the POWER Function Using the ^ (Caret) Operator Using a Simple Multiplication Using the POWER Function POWER function allows you to get the square, cube, or any power of a number with a simple formula. Below I have a dataset and I want to get ...
Using a Formula to Square a Number Squaring a number simply means multiplying a number by itself, or raising it to the power of 2. So, to square the number in the cell reference A2, you can write the formula in two different ways: Using the multiplication operator to multiply it by its...
If your number is in cell A1, you can use: =A1 * A1 This is by far the easiest method for calculating a number’s square. You can refer to a cell or enter the values into the formula directly.Using the PRODUCT Function for SQUARE To use the PRODUCT function to calculate the square...
Negative numbers can be squared in a similar manner using both the functions. Note: To take thesquare rootof a number, simply use 1/2 instead of 2. Try our AI Formula Generator Generate Square Numbers in Google Sheets These formulas work exactly the same in Google Sheets as in Excel ...
ABS Formula In Excel In math, the absolute value of a number is its distance from zero, which is its value without a positive or negative sign. It's often represented with vertical bars, so |-5| = |5| = 5, for example. In Excel, you compute the absolute value using the formula ...
How to Square a Number in Excel How to Use Pi (π) in Excel How to Calculate Antilog in Excel How to Use e in Excel How to Find Outliers in Excel How to Find Slope in Excel (Easy Formula) ...
We have a list ofnumbers(both positive and negative). We’ll calculate thesquare rootof these numbers using theSQRTfunction. The formula to put in cellC6is: =SQRT(B6) Case 13.2 – How to Multiply a Matrix When multiplying matrices (arrays), both arrays must only contain numbers, and the...
Important:Although there is aSUMfunction, there is noSUBTRACTfunction. Instead, use the minus (-) operator in a formula; for example, =8-3+2-4+12. Or, you can use a minus sign to convert a number to its negative value in the SUM function; for example, the formula =SUM(12,5,-3...
Here is a very simple example of a nested Excel formula that includes the SUM function to find the total, andROUND functionto round that number to the nearest integer (0 decimal places): =ROUND(SUM(B2:B6),0) Of all Excel functions, IF is nested more often than all others. As you pr...
Engineering: Returns the square root of a complex number IMSUB Engineering: Returns the difference between two complex numbers IMSUM Engineering: Returns the sum of complex numbers IMTAN (2013) Engineering: Returns the tangent of a complex number INDEX Lookup and reference: Uses an index to...