When you need to calculate within a range, then using the MIN and MAX functions you can set the least value and the highest value. So, MIN and MAX are in the same formula for setting the range. We will do that by using the formula below: MIN(MAX(value,min_range),max_range) Method...
TheIF functionis often used when you want to sort your data according to a given logic. The best part of the IF formula is that you can embed formulas and functions in it. =IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) Example: =IF(C2<D3,“TRUE”,”FALSE”)– Checks if...
Step 4. Type the formula =MIN(A1:A10) to find the smallest value in cells A1 through A10. Step 5. Press Enter. Step 6. Type the formula =MAX(A1:A10) to find the largest value in cells A1 through A10. Step 7. Press Enter. 3.AVERAGE AVERAGE formula Step 1. Open an Excel spreads...
示例:还是那A1到A10的销售数据,想知道平均销售额,用=AVERAGE(A1:A10),平均数立马就出来了,超方便。 3.MAX, MIN:找出最大或最小值 示例:在A1到A10的销售数据里,想知道最高和最低销售额,用=MAX(A1:A10)找出最大值,用=MIN(A1:A10)找出最小值,一眼就能看明白数据的高低范围。 4.COUNT, COUNTA:统计数字...
Statistical: Returns a future value based on existing values FORMULATEXT function Lookup and reference: Returns the formula at the given reference as text FREQUENCY function Statistical: Returns a frequency distribution as a vertical array F.TEST function Statistical: Returns the result of an F-...
min(values) 返回一组值中的最小值。 忽略逻辑值和文本。 minA(values) 返回一组值中的最小值。 不忽略逻辑值和文本。 minute(serialNumber) 返回分钟,一个介于 0 到 59 的数字。 mirr(values, financeRate, reinvestRate) 返回一系列定期现金流的内部收益率,同时考虑投资成本和现金再投资利息。 mod(number...
1、数学与统计函数:这类函数包括SUM(求和)、AVERAGE(平均值)、MAX(最大值)、MIN(最小值)等,主要用于对数据进行基本的数学运算。Mathematical and statistical functions: such functions include SUM (sum), AVERAGE (average), MAX (maximum), MIN (minimum), etc., which are mainly used for basic ...
Syntax:=COUNTA(value1, [value2], …) =COUNTA(D1:D6) 4. MAX and MIN MAX and MIN functions are used to find the largest and smallest values within a range of cells. The MAX function identifies the highest numerical value from a set of numbers. While the MIN function finds the lowest...
You can also use this formula to get the maximum value of the last three cells using the MAX function with the OFFSET, as shown in the figure below. =MAX(OFFSET(A1,COUNT(A:A)-3,0,3,1)) Similarly, you can use the MIN function with OFFSET to get the minimum value of the last th...
Here’s a formula that also calculates a range of values. =MAX(C5:C15)-MIN(IF(C5:C15>3000,C5:C15)) TheIFfunction basically puts a condition that lies inside the bracket and the condition fixes that the lowest value taken should be greater than3000,and theMINfunction finds out the minimu...