If you know the number of columns and rows of your dataset, you can find the last cell value in any row by using the OFFSET function. To find out the last cell value in Row 6, type the formula in an empty cell, =OFFSET(B4,2,7,1,1) B4 = First cell of the dataset 2 = Num...
引數類型名描述 FirstColumnIndex 數值 範圍內第一欄的數值 FirstRowIndex 數值 範圍內第一列的數值 LastColumnIndex 數值 範圍內最後一列的數值 LastRowIndex 數值 範圍內最後一列的數值例外狀況展開資料表 例外描述 無法擷取所選取的儲存格範圍 指示擷取所選取儲存格範圍時發生問題複製...
How to Average Last N Values in a Row in Excel We’ll calculate the Average of the last 4 values in a row. Steps: Use the following formula in cell J7. =AVERAGE(OFFSET(C7,0,COUNT(C7:I7)-1,,-$C$13)) Press Enter. Formula Breakdown The COUNT function, COUNT(C7:I7) returns 7 ...
Generic Formula: =CELL(“address”,INDEX(array,row_index_number,[col_index_number])) “Address”: It is constant in CELL function, for getting cell address. Rest is just INDEX function. INDEX will retrieve value from array and index number provided. ...
Find the last numeric value in a range in Microsoft Excel Text/Numeric data in column A Formula in cell B1:=INDEX(A1:A10,MATCH(9.99999999999999E+307,A1:A10)) Result:1 (B1=1) 注:1.9.99999999999999E+307为可在单元格中输入的最大数值。
17、ncludeErrors Then Errors = xlErrors Else Errors = 0If IncludeLogicals Then Logical = xlLogical Else Logical = 0 AllTypes = Text + Numbers + Errors + LogicalOn Error GoTo FinishLastFormulaRow = Split(Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas,AllTypes).Address, "$") _(UBound(Split(Cells.Spec...
ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1,自然就是取该非空单元格的下面的空单元格,以便进行输入等操作。 8、value formula formulaR1C1 value指代单元格的值 formula指代单元格zd中专的公式属 formulaR1C1指用R1C1引用方式的公式 比如假设A1=1,B1=2,C1=A1+B1 ...
Good day everyone, I'm looking for a formula that will display the last value (bottom of the cell range) that appears in a range that is the column value...
The MATCH function determines the relative position of 5.57 in B2:B12, which is 9. This number goes to therow_numargument ofINDEX, simplifying the formula further: =INDEX($A$2:$A$10, 9) Finally, the INDEX function returns the value from the 9throw in the range A2:A12, which is "Ni...
When you need the row number with the last entry to be returned, you can modify the formula used in our first example together with theROW Functionin your result_vector. =LOOKUP(2,1/(B:B<>""),ROW(B:B)) Last Value in Row