I am trying to figure out a formula that if P2 is >=1000 add 120 days to the date in M2 in cell O2, if P2 is <=999 add 90 days to the date in M2 in...
If This (combo box value) Then That (Range Value) [Wildcards] I have a script I'm working on, I have very little actual knowledge of VBA Script except for a college class years ago... I have this snippet of script - PrivateSub cmdContact_Click() ...
Re: Excel if/then formulas @Usfhotchris =IF(OR(AND(N2="S",P2-H2>14),AND(N2="E",P2-H2>3)),"N",IF(OR(AND(N2="S",P2-H2<=14),AND(N2="E",P2-H2<=3)),"Y","")) You can try this nested IF formula. View solution in original post 0 Likes Reply undefined...
=IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) The “If” function is handy, especially when you have a large data volume and want to avoid the stress of computing formulas for each data. Here’s an example of how simple it is to use IF-THEN statements in Excel: In this e...
This formula will return "Yes" if a numeric value is found. Example 4: Searching for Specific Text If you're after cells containing a specific word or phrase, you can tailor the formula to that need: =IF(A2="apples," "Yes," "") ...
Basic IF formula in Excel To create a simpleIf thenstatement in Excel, this is what you need to do: Forlogical_test, write an expression that returns either TRUE or FALSE. For this, you'd normally use one of thelogical operators. ...
IF(OR(condition1,condition2,...), value_if_true, value_if_false) In plain English, the formula's logic can be formulated as follows: If a cell is "this" OR "that", take one action, if not then do something else. Here's is an example of the IF OR formula in the simplest form...
The wizard-like dialog allows you to fill 3 Function Arguments or data elements, but you could use the formula bar once you master it. This is the easiest way to learn an Excel formula because you can see if it returns your expected result. For example, a line at the bottom left of ...
Try our AI Formula Generator What can IF Return? Above we returned a text string, “Yes” or “No”. But you can also return numbers, or even other formulas. Let’s say some of your customers are running up big tabs. To discourage this, you’re going to start charging interest on ...
Example 6: If Cell Contains One of Many Text Strings, Then Return a Value This formula identifies cells that contain at least one of many words you’re searching for, such as "t-shirt" or "hoodie." Formula =IF(OR(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("t-shirt",A2)),ISNUMBER(SEARCH("hoodie",A2))),"Vali...