How Does the Formula Work? IF(D5>=C5,$C$15*(D5-C5)/C5,”Not Applicable”) checks whether the value of cell D5 is greater or equal to that of C5. If it is greater, then it returns the value of cell $C$15*(D5-C5)/C5 else it will return the “Not Applicable” text. The...
IF(OR(condition1,condition2,...), value_if_true, value_if_false) In plain English, the formula's logic can be formulated as follows: If a cell is "this" OR "that", take one action, if not then do something else. Here's is an example of the IF OR formula in the simplest form...
TheOFFSETfunction in Excel returns a value or cell range using the reference cell we enter as a starting point. For example, if the formula is =OFFSET(A1, 4,1), the function will move 4 rows below from A1, i.e., A4 and 1 column to the right, giving us the value in B5. We ca...
The IF function in Excel can also be combined with AND/OR. In the earlier example, we used only the “IF” function for a single condition. For multiple conditions, we can use the “Nested IF” function. In the below example of a formula for a grade in Excel, we have data on stude...
Using the Excel IFS function is easy and simple. First, select the cell where you want the result to show up. Then, type the IFS formula in that cell, following the pattern we mentioned earlier. You need to replace "value_if_true1," "value_if_true2," and so on, with the values ...
Step 1:Open a new Excel sheet and enter the exam scores in column A and the attendance percentages in column B. Step 2:In an adjacent column (for example, C), enter the following combined IF with AND formula: =IF(AND(A2>= 60, B2>= 80%), "Pass", "Fail") ...
Then in the cell you want to place the combined result, for instance, cell E4, just type the formula=B4&B1&C4&B1&D4 Or=CONCATENATE(B2,B1,C2,B1,D2) B4, C4 and D4 are the text strings you want to combine, the B1 is the cell containing the IF(INFO) formula. ...
Highlight All Excel Formula Cells Hlookup HLOOKUP Function in Excel: Introduction If IF Function: Introduction If, And IF Function Combined With The AND Function Iferror IFERROR Function: Introduction Iferror, Vlookup How to Combine VLOOKUP and IFERROR to Replace the #N/A Error in Excel ...
The OR function works much the same as the AND function, with one crucial difference: OR will return TRUE if one or more of the logical statements inside of it are TRUE. The formula for OR is as follows:=OR(logical_expression_1, logical_expression_2...)...
6-8. SUMIF, COUNTIF, AVERAGEIF If you don't mind using a slightly more advanced formula, you might consider using one of the many combined "IF" formulas likeSUMIF,COUNTIF, orAVERAGEIF. These allow you to perform the formula (COUNT, SUM or AVERAGE) if the logical condition is true. ...