The tutorial explains how to multiply in Excel by using the multiplication symbol and functions, how to create a formula for multiplying cells, ranges or entire columns, how to multiply and sum, and more. While there is no universal multiplication formula in Excel, there exist a few different ...
Read More:If Cell Contains Value Then Multiply Using Excel Formula Method 5 – Multiply Percentages in Excel We have a dataset of someProduct Names,Product Prices, andVAT. We will calculate theTotal VATamount by multiplying. Steps: Choose acell(E5) and enter the following formula: =C5*D5 P...
Method 4 – Creating a Multiplication Formula in Excel by Multiplying Two Rows We have transposed the dataset for operation as we need to multiply two rows. Steps: Select theC15cell. Insert the following formula. =C13*C14 PressEnter. Drag the formula fromC15toE15. You will find the following...
Example: If cells A1 to A5 contain the values 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10, respectively, the formula "=PRODUCT(A1:A5)" will give you the result 3840. 3. Enter SUMPRODUCT Function The SUMPRODUCT function in WPS Spreadsheet is a powerful tool for multiplying arrays and performing calculations. Fol...
If I want to calculate the total sales of items by multiplying the quantity sold by the price for each item, I can use this formula: =SUMPRODUCT(B2:B6, C2:C6) Powered By If I were to calculate it manually, the calculation would look like this: (B2*C2)+(B3*C3)+(B4*C4)+(B5*...
Step 3.Enter the numbers you want to multiply in separate cells. Step 4.In a new cell, type the formula using the asterisk (*) symbol or explore the available functions for more advanced multiplication operations. Step 5.Press Enter to calculate the result. ...
Multiply numbers in different cells by using a formula You can use thePRODUCT functionto multiply numbers, cells, and ranges. You can use any combination of up to 255 numbers or cell references in thePRODUCTfunction. For example, the formula=PRODUCT(A2,A4:A15,12,E3:E5,150,...
For example, to count cells with text in the range A2:A7 ignoring those that contain aspace character, use this formula: =COUNTIFS(A2:A7,"*", A2:A7, "<> ") If your target range contains any formula-driven data, some of the formulas may result in anempty string(""). To ignore ce...
For example, =MAX(C3:C9) would return 6. To learn more, here's a comprehensive breakdown of every Excel function. Now let's get back to how to use formulas in Excel. To create a formula to calculate simple arithmetics, like adding, subtracting, or multiplying, you need to use ...
We'll review four different ways to multiply in Excel: Simple multiplication within a cell, multiplying numbers from different cells, multiplying ranges of numbers, and multiplying each number of a column by a constant. Recommended Videos