By combining a variation of the SUMIF function with your product codes, you can use Excel to count your incoming stock. This formula helps minimize discrepancies during inventory audits and ensures accurate tracking of inventory levels. 6. Outgoing Stock Formula Outgoing Stock:=SUMPRODUCT1 The outgo...
The formula used in the above example counts the cells within the range of C2 to C11 that have values greater than 25. Count the Number of Repeated Values We can also count the number of repeated values in a specific range under certain conditions using the COUNTIF function. Example: In ...
代码语言:txt 复制 Sub SubtractQuantity() Dim sourceSheet As Worksheet Dim targetSheet As Worksheet Dim sourceRange As Range Dim targetRange As Range Dim i As Long ' 设置源工作表和目标工作表 Set sourceSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("源工作表名称") Set targetSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets...
especially when you are trying to total a column in Excel. So, if your numbers are formatted as numbers, but your Excel Sum formula still returns zero, trace and fix the circular references in your sheet (Formulatab >Error Checking>Circular Reference). For the detailed instructions...
To find the “Out of stock” item to check inventory status, etc. Example: In the below data, we want to know the position of the word “Engine” in the “Items” column. The formula for that will be: =MATCH(A9,A2:A6,0)
Enter the SUM formula using the named range. For instance, if your named range is labeled "sales", the formula would be: =SUM(sales) Copy Press Enter to display the total. Tip: For future management of the named range, navigate to the Formulas tab and select Name Manager. Total...
HLOOKUP in Excel: Formula and Usage How to Protect Excel Sheet with Password COUNT in Excel: Formula and Implementation How to Create an Excel Worksheet: Beginner's Guide How to Use Indirect Function in Excel? Using VLOOKUP in Excel How to Insert a Checkbox in Excel: A Step-by-Step Guide...
In cellJ6, enter the region for which you want to count orders (e.g.,West). Calculate the Count: In cellJ6, insert the following formula: =COUNTIFS(B6:B19,">="&H6,B6:$B19,"<="&I6,C6:C19,"="&J6) This formula counts the number of orders in theWestregion within the specified ...
UNIQUE(FILTER(range, COUNTIF(range,range)>1)) For example, to extract different names that occur in B2:B10 more than once, you can use this formula: =UNIQUE(FILTER(B2:B10, COUNTIF(B2:B10, B2:B10)>1)) How this formula works: ...