Test if cell contains a formula reference ISLOGICAL Test if a value is logical value ISNA Test for the #N/A error value ISNONTEXT Test for a non-text value value ISNUMBER Test for numeric value value ISODD Test if a value is odd value ISREF Test for a reference value ISTEXT Test for a...
Geometric Mean = 51*2*3*4*5 = 2.6051. The above image demonstrates a practical example of using both HARMEAN and GEOMEAN functions. The formula for calculating the harmonic mean in the B21 cell is: =HARMEAN(C5:C17) Here, the range of cells C5:C17 represents the cells of the Average...
Unlike the arithmetic mean, the geometric mean multiplies numbers together and takes root. It's widely used when you want to find the average growth factor. Calculate the geometric mean using the EXP and LN (natural logarithm) functions together. The formula is =EXP(AVERAGE(LN(A1:A5))), wh...
=GEOMEAN (number1, [number2], ...) Note: The function ignores text, empty cells and logical_values. This function returns geometric mean. Let’s understand this function using an example. Use the formula to get geometric mean of the values. =GEOMEAN(A2:A6) As you can see, the function...
Logical: Returns a value you specify if a formula evaluates to an error; otherwise, returns the result of the formula IFNA (2013) Logical: Returns the value you specify if the expression resolves to #N/A, otherwise returns the result of the expression IFS (2...
Arguments that are error values or text that cannot be translated into numbers cause errors. If any data point ≤ 0, GEOMEAN returns the #NUM! error value. The equation for the geometric mean is: See Also WorksheetFunction Object WorksheetFunction Object MembersEnglish...
- 1 to 30 arguments for which you want to calculate the mean. You can also use a single array or a reference to an array instead of arguments separated by commas. Arg2 Object Arg3 Object Arg4 Object Arg5 Object Arg6 Object Arg7 Object Arg8 Object Arg9 Object Arg10 ...
What is Mean Formula? Mean refers to the mathematical average calculated for a set of two or more values. There are primarily two ways of calculating it: arithmetic means, where all the numbers are added and then divided by the number of items, and geometric mean, where we multiply the nu...
For example, if x equals 25, you use the following formula: =GAMMALN(25) The function returns the value 54.78. Geometric Mean (GEOMEAN) If you have a set of n numbers, the geometric mean of the set is the nth root of the product of the numbers. To find the geometric mean, enter ...
Converts a text time to an Excel serial number for a time, a number from 0 (12:00:00 AM) to 0.999988426 (11:59:59 PM). Format the number with a time format after entering the formula. today() Returns the current date formatted as a date. toJSON() Overrides the JavaScript toJSON...