datavalidationdatavalidation(list)formulamultiple conditions Replies: 2 Forum:Excel Questions K Data validation: Conditional response setup not flagging errors I am trying to set up data validation for a report, but two columns aren't flagging blank cells they it should. The "Blank" list is the...
When adding a data validation rule in Excel, you can choose one of the predefined settings or specify custom criteria based on your own validation formula. Below we will discuss each of the built-in options, and next week we will have a closer look atExcel data validation with custom formu...
DataValidationFormulaType DataValidationForumla1 DataValidationForumla2 DataValidations DdeValues DefinedName DefinedNames DifferentialFormats DifferentialType DisplayBlanksAsValues DropStyleValues EditValidationValues ExtensionList FillColor 筛选器 FirstMarkerColor ...
COUNTBLANK counts blank cells even if there is a formula. Tony Reply Oscar says: Tony, Thank you for posting a workaround. Chris says: Is there a way, other than building a calculated cell and pointing to that, of using concatenated table cells in the data validation ...
Hello I was wondering if someone could help me shorten a formula as my current formula (below) is too long for data validation. =IF(C10="KABI 8",48,IF(C10="KABI 11",64,IF(C10="KABI 14",80,IF(C10="KABI(P) 5",32,IF(C10="KABI(P) 7",43,IF(C10="KABI(P) 9",53,IF(C10...
For example, to ensure that all order id's in column A begin with the "AA-", "aa-", "Aa-", or "aA-" prefix (case-insensitive), define a custom rule with this data validation formula: =COUNTIF(A2,"aa-*") Validation formula with the OR logic (multiple criteria) ...
Search our list our growing list of hundreds of Excel formula examples. Download example spreadsheets.
const dataValidation = range.getDataValidation(); dataValidation.setIgnoreBlanks(true); const duplicateRule : ExcelScript.CustomDataValidation = { formula: "=COUNTIF($B$2:$B$20, B2)=1" }; dataValidation.setRule({ custom: duplicateRule }); } date...
If name/type is "htrc" I want a dropdown list for "att" allowing only code2 values. What I've tried is: - defining a named range called "codes" for $A:$A on sheet1 - data validation for B2 on sheet2 and used formula: =IF($A2="cable";INDIRECT(codes="code1");INDIRECT(codes...
Why do we use Data Validation in Excel for complex criteria as well? If we want the user enter data in a very specific manner, which is not directly available in the simple options, we build them using the last option, ‘Custom’, where we can build complex criteria using formulae. So...