In column D was this formula =NOW() that changes date each day. In column C we put this formula:=IF(AND(MONTH(B1)-MONTH(D1)=0,DAY(B1)-DAY(D1)=0),"Anniversary","") We fine tuned:=IF(AND(MONTH(B1)-MONTH(D1)=0,DAY(B1)-DAY(D1)=0),"Happy Anniversary" ,IF(AND(MONTH(...
I am trying to make an excel formula to calculate PTO days. Our employees get a prorated amount on their anniversary date and then everything resets on Jan 1. For example if they started July 2, 2022 then on July 2, 2023 they get a prorated total of 3 days and then on Jan 1, 2...
VACATION DAYS EXCEL FORMULA I am trying to make an excel formula to calculate PTO days. Our employees get a prorated amount on their anniversary date and then everything resets on Jan 1. For example if they started July 2, 2022...Show...
a DATE formula, e.g. DATE(2025, 1, 30) a reference to the cell containing the start date For themonthsargument, provide an integer specifying how many months to add to or subtract from the start date. To shift the date forward, use a positive number - the output will be a future d...
For this task, you would need an additional column with the following formula (where E is yourDeliverycolumn and F theInvoicecolumn): =IF(E2>=TODAY(),IF(F2="", 1, 0), 0) If the delivery date is greater than or equal to the current date and there is no number in the Invoice col...
Number of missing months between two anniversary dates Hello, Used the following formula but the results I'm getting is not what I'm expecting. =DATEDIF(A1,B1,"m")+DAY(B1)/(32-DAY(B1-DAY(B1)+32))-DAY(A1)/(32-DAY(A1-DAY(A1)+32)) For example: Cell A1: 3/30/2018 Cell B1:...
In cell J58, enter the formula for the age in years as =DATEDIF(I58,F58,"y") Now replace the text in cell A58 with the formula =H58&" - "&J58 This approach could also be used to show the number of years married on an anniversary....
Vacation accrual formula HELP! Hey guys! Im new here and am getting really frustrated trying to make my formula work. I need to accrue vacation time for my full time employees. At hire date anniversary, they get 40hrs and accrue 3.33hrs per pay period. I need to figure out the formula...
From one date value extract month, day and year for more calculation like the one shown below to get the next anniversary date.Use the formula:=DATE (YEAR (D5) + 1, MONTH(D5) , DAY(D5))Here the day function extract day , Month function extracts month and year function extracts ...
Placing the TRIM formula as the argument of the LEN function tells Excel to count the number of characters in the trimmed string. =LEN(TRIM(A1)) Note that the space between “happy” and “anniversary” as well as the exclamation mark are all counted. Exclude all spaces We can also use...