Select cellE5and enter the following formula: =IF(D5="x",C5,"") This formula returns the first value of theProfitcolumn. Drag theFill Handleto cellE16, which will fill the range of cellE5:E16with the alternate value after every row. To enter the alternate values of the range of cells...
Type the formula =MOD(ROW(B4),2)=0 Select the format of your choice. ClickOK. TheMOD(ROW(),2)=0function willhighlightevery 2nd row starting from the first. Select the firsthighlightedrow then hold theCTRLkey and select the otherhighlightedrows. Method 2 – Using the Highlight Feature Ca...
For example, you can specify that you need to select one row after every other row (or one row after every two rows). In this article, I showed you different three different ways you can use to select every other row in Excel. While this is something that is not there as an inbuilt...
This tutorial details deleting every other row in Excel. The requirement of the time may be some systematic sampling or selection, keeping data of
Selecting every other row with formula and filter When working with larger worksheets, the task of selecting alternate rows becomes much simpler by utilizing a helper column and the Filter functionality. Follow the steps below to achieve this: ...
FirstFreeRow 數值 第一個完全空白列的數值。 例如,如果列 7 是第一個空白列,則會儲存為 '7'。例外狀況展開資料表 例外狀況名描述 無法擷取第一個可用欄/可用列 指示擷取 Excel 執行個體的第一個可用欄/列時發生問題取得Excel 工作表的資料行名稱取得...
To get the value from every other row or nth row, we can use the OFFSET and ROW functions. =OFFSET($B$3,(ROW(D1)*2)-1,0) We will walkthrough this below. Return the nth Row First, we will use the ROW Function to pick up the 1st Row. Copying this formula down, will mean th...
Select Every Other (or Every nth) Row Basicsyes Cell Reference Basics - A1, R1C1, 3d, etc. Add Up (Sum) Entire Column or Row Into to Dynamic Array Formulas Conversionsyes Convert Time Zones Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit Convert Pounds to Kilograms ...
As you see, Excel offers a diverse range of methods to select alternate columns or every other column. Whether you prefer the commonly knownCtrlkey technique, where you manually handpick the desired columns, or the ingenious use of the CHOOSECOLS formula, or the automated solutions with VBA mac...
Let’s say you want to highlight every second month (i.e., February, April and so on) in this data set.This can easily be achieved using conditional formatting.Highlight Every Other Row in ExcelHere are the steps to highlight every alternate row in Excel:...