The difference is that the first formula returns the full name of the day while the second formula displays a shorter version of the name. In this formula, the WEEKDAY function should be used with just one required argument. The optionalreturn_typeargument should not be specified, even if yo...
If you are looking for an Excel function to get day of week from date, you've landed on the right page. This tutorial will teach you how to use the WEEKDAY formula in Excel to convert a date to a weekday name, filter, highlight and count weekends or workdays, and more. There are...
3. How to get a weekday name in excel from a date: WEEKDAY Function The WEEKDAY function returns the name of the weekday that contains a given date.For example, to find out what day of the week a given date is on, use the following formula: WEEKDAY (Value, numbe...
I will also recommend you format that Table as a table and name the table something meaningful like DayHrs. In the attached in cell B8 I used this formula: =SUM(XLOOKUP(A1:G4,DayHrs[Day],DayHrs[Hrs],0)) This assumes you have Excel 365 and if not it can get converted. DayHrs....
Please use below formula to get the day name from the date in cell B4: =CHOOSE(WEEKDAY(B4),"su","mo","tu","we","th","fr","sa") PressEnterkey to get the result. Explanation WEEKDAYfunction: gets day of the week as a number (1 to 7) from the given date. ...
The WEEKDAY Function The Excel WEEKDAY function obtains the day of the week from a date but displays it as a number. By default, 1 is for Sunday, 2 is for Monday, and so on. You would use the following formula to get the day of the week for the date in cell B2. ...
“ddd” - will result in day name in Short form e.g. Monday as Mon OR As you can see we got the day name in the new cellWe will use the Combination of CHOOSE and WEEKDAY function.Use the function=CHOOSE(WEEKDAY(A3),”Su”,”Mo”,”Tu”,”We”,”Th”,”Fr”,”Sa”)...
Search our list our growing list of hundreds of Excel formula examples. Download example spreadsheets.
Change date to only display day of week in cells with formula Here is a formula for you to convert the dates to day of week. Select a blank cell adjacent to the date that you want to change. For example, I have a range (A1:A8) which need to be changed, then I will enter the...
Let's say the formula with the day of the week is in D2. In another cell, e.g. E2, enter the formula =TEXT(D2,"dddd") if you want the full name ("Thursday"), or =TEXT(D2,"ddd") if the want the abbreviated name ("Thu")....