金融建模 29 | 通过Excel计算经违约概率调整的债券收益率 | Financial Modeling 29 default-adjusted return 7210 2 01:02:40 App 金融建模 37 | 详解债券关键利率久期 - Financial Modeling 37 - Key Rate Duration 4.3万 47 18:01 App 金融建模 02 | 通过Excel获取股票价格信息,并计算收益率、波动率及股...
以及VaR的三种计算方式 | Financial Modeling 38 Value At Risk RabbitWang1989 3.2万 22 金融建模 14 | 期权:通过Excel进行二叉树期权定价(2)—— 多步二叉树期权定价 RabbitWang1989 1.7万 3 金融建模 20 | 如何使用Excel计算期权希腊字母(Greeks) | Financial Modeling 20 Option Greeks RabbitWang1989 1.2...
金融建模 16 | 期权:通过Excel进行二叉树期权定价(4)——用Excel计算美式期权 | Financial Modeling 16 - Option 26:21 金融建模 17 | 期权: 用Excel计算“员工认股权”价格 | Financial Modeling 17 Employee Stock Option 33:32 金融建模 18 | 如何用Excel计算上证50ETF期权价格 | Financial Modeling 18 ...
以及VaR的三种计算方式 | Financial Modeling 38 Value At Risk 7089 2 25:46 App 金融建模 15 | 期权:通过Excel进行二叉树期权定价(3)——用Excel VBA计算欧式期权 6万 19 38:47 App 金融建模 18 | 如何用Excel计算上证50ETF期权价格 | Financial Modeling 18 SH50ETF Option Pricing 1.9万 1 19:32 App...
(2)金融专业建模modeling选手:按F2编辑公式,使用CTRL+TAB移动到另一个SPEET表 ; 如果按ALT + M, 它会带你公式选项卡。 所以一个好的建模人员应该非常有必要运用excel快捷键,并注意:总是把MODEL 中的假设 assumpitons 放在首位 !一旦你修正了excel所有的错误,资产负债表应该平衡,所有的计算应该在数学上和财务上...
One essential function in Excel for financial modeling is the MIN function. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of using the MIN function in Excel for financial modeling, including its basics, importance, implementation, data analysis, common applications, efficiency tips, advanced ...
Financial modeling is one of the effective tools for businesses to do multiple tasks like planning, investment analysis, and decision-making. For creating financial models, Excel offers an extensive range of functions and capabilities. However, using Excel to create a financial model from scratch can...
这是一项基于微软Excel的电子竞技锦标赛,也是 Excel 电竞比赛的最高规格赛事。锦标赛有一系列资格赛,随后是季后赛,最后是在拉斯维加斯举行的线下决赛。该赛事由金融建模世界杯 Financial Modeling World Cup(简称FMWC)团队组织,微软公司给于全权支持,包括允许组织者在比赛名称中使用Microsoft Excel名称等方面。MEWC...
Be it using Microsoft Excel for a specific course or working with you on building a complex financial model, or modifying an operations model, we can tailor a program just for you. We have classified our Microsoft Excel and financial modeling services into categories. Excel for beginners: You ...
Financial modeling simulates the financial performance of an asset over three to ten years. The information enables decision makers to buy, sell, expand, merge assets, or take any other course of action. Often, the end game is to provide a valuation for a financial asset's worth....