In this formula, within COUNTIF(C5:C12,G4)>0, C5:C12 is the range and G4 is the value to find. Since the COUNTIF function counts cells based on criteria, it will count the cells from the C5:C12 range based on G4. If it finds the value, the result will be greater than 0. ...
Method 4 – Finding Max Value in Range Using Excel MAXIFS Function Steps: Type the following formula inCell D17. Next, hitEnter. =MAXIFS(D5:D14,B5:B14,B17,C5:C14,C17) The above formula will return the max sold value for the criteria:Orangeand22 March 22. Method 5 – Getting Largest ...
The MAXIFS function returns the largest numeric value in the specified range based on one or more criteria. The syntax of the MAXIFS function is as follows: MAXIFS(max_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], …) Where: Max_range(required) - the range of cells wh...
The above formula analyzes the entire range B2:D11 and gives us the second-largest value in the entire range. Also read: How to Rank within Groups in Excel Find the Second Largest Value Based on a Criteria Sometimes, you may want to know the second-highest value based on certain criteria...
In this article, we will learn How to Find Average Based on Single Criteria in Microsoft Excel.What is the average value with criteria ?Sometimes we need to get the mean or average value based on criteria. Criteria can be applied over the same column or the different column, doesn...
The only required parameter isWhatyour are looking for. The rest of the parameters enable you to narrow down you search based on the criteria set in the parameters. ParameterTypeDescriptionValues WhatRequiredThe value you are searching forAny data ...
Basic LARGE IF formula in Excel To get the n-th largest value in a dataset with condition, you can use the LARGE and IF functions together: {=LARGE(IF(criteria_range=criteria,values),n)} Wherenis the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. highest value to return. ...
Worksheets(1).Range("Criteria").ClearContents 在工作表上使用Cells可取得工作表中包含所有單一儲存格的範圍。 您可以透過Item(row,column) 存取單一儲存格,其中row是列索引,column是欄索引。Item可以省略,因為呼叫會透過Range的預設成員轉傳而來。 下列範例會在使用中活頁簿的第一個工作表中,將儲存格 A1 的值設定...
Worksheets(1).Range("Criteria").ClearContents 使用工作表上的Cells获取由工作表上的所有单个单元格组成的区域。 可以通过Item(row,column) 访问单个单元格,其中,row为行索引,column为列索引。Item可以省略,因为Range的默认成员会将调用转发给它。 以下示例设置活动工作簿第一个工作簿上的单元格 A1 至 24 和单元...
Range represents a set of one or more contiguous cells such as a cell, a row, a column, or a block of cells. To learn more about how ranges are used throughout the API, start with Ranges in the Excel JavaScript API.