I am trying to find the last value in an Excel row which has figures and NA. I have used Match and Lookup but it does not show 93% (which is the last figure). NA NA 87% NA NA 93% NA ...Show More KPI CY2021 AFS_Julyv2.xlsm38 KB Reply JoeUser2004Aug 30...
Method 2 – Getting the Last Cell with Value in a Row with the OFFSET Function in Excel If you know the number of columns and rows of your dataset, you can find the last cell value in any row by usingtheOFFSETfunction. To find out the last cell value inRow 6, type the formula in...
請按以下步驟操作。 查找並返回B列中的倒數第二個值 1.選擇一個空白單元格以放置倒數第二個值,輸入公式= INDEX(B:B,LARGE(IF(B:B <>“”,ROW(B:B)),2))進入編輯欄,然後按按Ctrl+轉移+Enter同時獲得結果。 備註:在公式中,B:B 代表要找倒數第二個值的欄位。您可以根據需要將其變更為任何列。 查找...
Sub Find_LastRowxlValues() On Error GoTo Finish '获取最后一行 MsgBox "最后一行是第" & Cells.Find("*", _ SearchOrder:=xlByRows, LookIn:=xlValues, _ SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).EntireRow.Row & “行” Exit Sub Finish: MsgBox "没有发现数值!" End Sub 因此,在使用Find方法时,您应该考虑所...
Method 2 – Using the SUMPRODUCT Function to Find the Last Row with a Specific Value Steps: Enter the following formula in cellI5: =SUMPRODUCT(MAX(ROW(B5:F15)*(B5:B15=H5))) PressENTERorCTRL+SHIFT+ENTER Drag down toAutoFillrest of the series. ...
示例代码 05Sub Find_LastRowxlFormulas()On Error GoTo Finish'获取最后一行MsgBox &qu 8、ot;最后一行是第 " & Cells.Find("*", _ SearchOrder:=xlByRows, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _ SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).EntireRow.Row &行 ”“Exit Sub Finish:MsgBox "没发现数值或公式! "End Sub 下面再列举...
As you can see in the above snapshot the row number of the last non blank cell is 6.Another way :Now we will make a formula out of these functions. Here we will give a list of texts. We need to find the last value in the list or say the last non blank cell in the list or...
As you can see in the above snapshot the row number of the last non blank cell is 6.Another way :Now we will make a formula out of these functions. Here we will give a list of texts. We need to find the last value in the list or say the last non blank cell in the list...
[示例代码05] SubFind_LastRowxlFormulas() 3/11 OnErrorGoToFinish 获取最后一行 MsgBox最后一行是第Cells.Find(*,_ SearchOrder:=xlByRows,LookIn:=xlFormulas,_ SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).EntireRow.Row行” “ ExitSubFinish: MsgBox没发现数值或公式! EndSub 下面再列举几个示例代码。 [示例代码06] Sub...
This tutorial will teach you how to look up the last value in column or row in Excel. Last Value in Column You can use theLOOKUP Functionto find the last non-empty cell in a column. =LOOKUP(2,1/(B:B<>""),B:B) Let’s walk through this formula. ...