Method 3 – Utilizing an Array Formula in Excel to Find Position of Last Occurrence of Character in String We’re going to usethe ROW function,the INDEX function, theMATCH, theMID, and theLENfunctions to create an array formula to find the position of thelast occurrenceof acharacterin astrin...
=FIND(CHAR(160),SUBSTITUTE(A2,"-",CHAR(160),2))2。 然后,将填充手柄向下拖动到要应用此公式的单元格上,并且已经计算出第二个“-”字符的位置,请参见屏幕截图:请注意: 在上述公式中, A2 表示您要使用的单元格值,“-”代表您要获取其位置的特定字符,数字 2 代表要获取的字符的指定出现位置。通过...
The character status“TRUE”means that the desired character (in columnC) is present in the specific text string. Read More:Excel Find Last Occurrence of Character in String Method 4 – Joining ISNUMBER and SEARCH Functions to Find a Character in Excel String A combination of usingISNUMBERandSEA...
Getting the Last Position of a Character using Excel Formula When you have the position of the last occurrence, you can simply extract anything on the right of it using theRIGHT function. Here is the formula that would find the last position of a forward slash and extract all the text to ...
Create a reverse FIND formula to extract text after the last occurrence of a character. Learn the Excel formula to create a reverse find.
To find the first occurrence of a character in a string in Excel, you can use the FIND function. However, how to find the position of the second or third or nth occurrence of a specific character in a string? Here this tutorial introduces a formula which combines the FIND and SUBSTITUTE...
=FIND("@",SUBSTITUTE(A1,"\","@",LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"\",""))) Conclusion:In this way, we can extract last word & last occurrence of the specific character. If you liked our blogs, share it with your friends onFacebook...
The MAX function is used to find the row number of the last matching name. For example, if the name is Glen, it would return 11, as it’s in the 11 row. Since our list starts from second row onwards, 1 has been subtracted. So the position of the last occurrence of Glen is 10 ...
Find where the character appears Nth in a string:Easily find position of nth occurrence of a character in text string in excel Find the value that appears most often:Easily find the most common/frequently used value (word or number) in a list in Excel ...
TRIM(MID(A2, FIND(" ",A2,FIND(" ", A2)+1)+1,256)) Extract anything after the second to last occurrence of a character You may want to fetch a folder path in a URL that is positionedafterthesecond to last occurrenceof a slash. In this case, input this formula: ...