引數類型描述 FirstColumnIndex 數值 表格第一欄的數值 FirstRowIndex 數值 表格第一列的數值 LastColumnIndex 數值 表格最後一欄的數值 LastRowIndex 數值 表格最後一列的數值例外狀況展開資料表 例外狀況描述 無法從表格擷取範圍 指示從 Excel 的表格中擷取範圍時發生問題自動...
In this article, we will use an Excel formula to find the last row number with data for two cases – either when the last row is blank or when it is non-blank. The output of the last row number with data will not be the same in both cases, so we will use different approaches. ...
We declared the Sub procedure Find_Last_Column_with_Data. You should provide any valued row number in the Cells object. We used the COUNT method to count the last column and used the Select property to select the entire last column. We stored the total row number of the range in my_row...
示例代码 05Sub Find_LastRowxlFormulas()On Error GoTo Finish'获取最后一行MsgBox &qu 8、ot;最后一行是第 " & Cells.Find("*", _ SearchOrder:=xlByRows, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _ SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).EntireRow.Row &行 ”“Exit Sub Finish:MsgBox "没发现数值或公式! "End Sub 下面再列举...
As you can see in the above snapshot the row number of the last non blank cell is 6.Another way :Now we will make a formula out of these functions. Here we will give a list of texts. We need to find the last value in the list or say the last non blank cell in the list or...
In a worksheet, there is a list of numbers which both have positive numbers and negative numbers, if you want to find the first or last positive or negative number in this column, how could you do? Find the first positive / negative number with array formula ...
Now the MATCH function finds the returned number in range. And MATCH function wouldn't be able to find the number as the lookup_value is greater than the MAX value in the array. So the MATCH function reaches the last value for the lookup_value and returns the last row number instead.Her...
[示例代码05] SubFind_LastRowxlFormulas() 3/11 OnErrorGoToFinish 获取最后一行 MsgBox最后一行是第Cells.Find(*,_ SearchOrder:=xlByRows,LookIn:=xlFormulas,_ SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).EntireRow.Row行” “ ExitSubFinish: MsgBox没发现数值或公式! EndSub 下面再列举几个示例代码。 [示例代码06] Sub...
SearchDirection:=XlSearchDirection.xlPrevious).Row Debug.Printllastrow DimoRangeAsRange SetoRange = Range("A1:E200") llastrow = oRange.Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row Debug.Printllastrow llastcolumn = ActiveSheet.Cells.Find(What:="*", _ ...