= B3-DAY(B3)+1 =43508-DAY(2/12/2019)+1 = 43508-12 + 1 = 43496 + 1 = 43497,显示为日期2/1/2019 从日期获取月份的最后一天 通用公式 EOMONTH(date,0) 语法和参数 Date: the date that is used to find the last day of month. 回报值 它以数字格式返回当月的最后一天。 公式如何运作 使用...
To get the date of the last day of the month in Excel, use the EOMONTH (End of Month) function. 1. For example, get the date of the last day of the
如果您想學習本教程,請下載示例電子表格。 獲取上個月的第一天 通用公式: EOMONTH(date,-2)+1 語法和參數 Date: the date that you want to get the first day of its previous month. 回報值 它以日期格式返回一個值。 誤差值 如果該日期不是有效日期(1年1月1900日之前的日期或為文本值),則該公式將返...
1.要返回一個月的第一個工作日: 應用以下公式:= WORKDAY(DATE(YEAR(B1),MONTH(B1),1)-1,1)放入空白單元格(B1具有您要使用的日期),然後按Enter鍵,將計算第一個工作日的日期。 查看屏幕截圖: 2.To返回一個月的最後一個工作日: 請輸入以下公式:= WORKDAY(DATE(YEAR(B1),MONTH(B1)+1,1),-1)要提取...
Date: the date that you want to find its last specific weekday of the month. Weekday_num: the number 1-7 to indicate the specific weekday that you want to find. 工作日数 工作日数平日 1星期日 2星期一 3星期二 4星期三 5星期四 ...
Method 2 – Obtaining the First Date of Next Month with DATE, YEAR & MONTH Functions Steps: Select cellC5and insert the formula below. =DATE(YEAR(B5),MONTH(B5)+1,1) Press theENTERkey. Method 3 – Finding the Last Date of Next Month with EOMONTH & TODAY Functions ...
Date: the date that is used to find the last day of month. Return Value It returns the last day of current month in number format. How the formula works Use below formula to get the last day of month from the date in cell B3:...
Method 1 – Excel EOMONTH Function to Find the Last Day of the Previous Month ➧Syntax: The syntax for theEOMONTHfunction is: EOMONTH(start_date,months) Sorry, the video player failed to load.(Error Code: 101102) ➧Arguments: start_date:[required] The starting date is represented by thi...
MONTH(serial_number) Whereserial_numberis any valid date of the month you are trying to find. For the correct work of Excel MONTH formulas, a date should be entered by using the DATE(year, month, day) function. For example, the formula=MONTH(DATE(2015,3,1))returns 3 since DATE repres...
Do you know how to find the first or last day and the first or last working day of a given month date in a worksheet? For example, I have a date 2014/5/21, and now I want to know the first and last day of this month, that is 2014/5/1 and 2014/5/31, to get the...