在excel中,您可以先使用公式确定整数或十进制数字,然后根据需要过滤所需的数字。 请按照以下步骤操作: 1。 在数字列旁边,请输入以下公式= INT(A2)= A2放入空白单元格B2中,请参见屏幕截图: 2然后将填充手柄拖到要包含此公式的单元格上TRUE表示整数,FALSE表示十进制数字,请参见屏幕截图: 3。 然后选择B列,然后...
有时,您可能需要从列中过滤所有偶数并隐藏所有奇数,反之亦然。 这是一种轻松过滤选定列中的偶数或奇数的简便方法。 使用公式和过滤功能过滤偶数或奇数 使用Kutools for Excel 对偶数或奇数进行排序或过滤 所有数字奇数偶数 使用公式和过滤功能过滤偶数或奇数 您可以按照以下步骤过滤列A中的所有偶数并隐藏所有奇数。 步...
If there is a list of numbers in your worksheet which contain whole numbers (integers) and decimal numbers, now you want to filter only the integers or non-integers from the list data as following screenshots shown, how could you solve it in Excel?
Supposing, there is a list of data values which beginning with numeric numbers and followed by some letters or vice versa. And now you want to filter the data which begins with numbers or begins with letters only as following screenshots shown, are there any good tricks for solving this job...
Excel Filter only works for 10000 unique values We have a quite large spreadsheet with more than 10000 rows (each containing a different value). We like to use filters to filter in the spreadsheet, however, the filter dialog only allows filteri...Show...
But you can use the Filter areas where you can select "Equals", "Greater than" etc. and that works. I created a list of numbers up to 100,000 and filtered two rows outside the first 10,000. See picture. From your screenshots I note that you are Filtering with the "And" parame...
Method 1 – AutoFill Numbers in Excel with a Filter Using the SUBTOTAL Function STEPS: Select the cell range B5:B14. Open the Home tab and go to Editing. From Find & Select, choose Go To Special. A dialog box will pop up. Select Visible cells only and click OK. Use this formula ...
4. Apple Numbers Apple Numbers is a spreadsheet software designed for MacOS and iOS devices only. You can create beautiful spreadsheets with its modern interface and powerful functions. It has hundreds of built-in functions to make your calculations easier. ...
Gets a Range object with the same top-left cell as the current Range object, but with the specified numbers of rows and columns. getAddress() Specifies the range reference in A1-style. Address value contains the sheet reference (e.g., "Sheet1!A1:B4"). getAddressLocal() Represents the ...
When you apply the Filter function, after filtering one column, the next columns will be only filtered based on the result of the previous filtered column. It means that only AND criteria can be applied to more than one column. In this case, how could you apply both the AND and OR crit...