2 在空白列中输入三个徒弟的名字,请竖着排列。3 然后,选中你需要控制输入的那些单元格。单击数据选项卡---数据有效性(Data—Data Validation)4 在跳出来的选项卡中,如下图所示,选中List(我用的是英文版,中文版我不确定是不是叫队列,但是位置排列肯定一致,上面数下来第四个)5 选中list之后在下面的对话...
We will create a Data Validation drop-down list of areas mentioned in the dataset and use the list to draw fruit sales data. This video cannot be played because of a technical error.(Error Code: 102006) Method 1 – Filter Values from the Data Validation Drop Down List Using Helper ...
The error can occur if the range specified in filterRange.Columns(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Address does not contain any visible cells, or if there are not enough visible cells to create a valid data validation list. To fix this error, you can add some error handlin...
validationRange As Range\n \n Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(\"Sheet1\")\n Set wss = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(\"Sheet2\")\n \n 'set the range to be filtered and the validation range\n Set filterRange = ws.Range(\"A1:F62\") 'F has the Criteria=1 (Type)\n Set ...
通过设置数据验证规则,可以确保输入的数据符合特定的要求,提高数据的准确性和一致性。 以下是设置Excel数据验证规则的步骤: 1.选择要设置数据验证规则的单元格或单元格范围。 2.在Excel的菜单栏中选择“数据”选项卡,并点击“数据验证”(在某些版本的Excel中,可能需要点击“数据工具”下的“数据验证”)。 3.在弹出...
datavalidation(list)filterunique Replies: 5 Forum:Excel Questions Y Sumif with data validations for Google Sheets I have tried all that I could find on this site. What I am trying to do is Sumif the colums: Column E,Owner, uses dropdown Coumn F is the the amount paid: =IF(E20="Ia...
1.excel中data validation指的是数据有效性,数据有效性的使用方法如下:2.首先打开一个需要设置数据有效性的工作表。3.打开之后,在菜单栏里有一个数据选项,单击该按钮会下拉很多选项。4.在下拉的选项里单击有效性按钮,就会弹出如图对话框。5.单击允许下方的小三角形会下拉很多选项,在下拉的选项里...
Other ways to create a data validation list in Excel Supplying comma-separated lists directly in theSourcebox is the fastest way that works well for small dropdowns that are unlikely to ever change. In other scenarios, you can proceed with one of the following ways: ...
I have a dropdown in C1 with the unique value from column A. I was the list to filter based on what value I pick from the drop down. Can anyone help point me in the right direction? Thanks! Excel Facts Easy bullets in Excel Click here to reveal answer Sort by date Sort by ...
Step 2: Click on the data validation tool from the Data Menu Bar and select Text Length in Allow drop-down. Step 3: Select equal to from the data list drop-down. ADVERTISEMENT VBA Macros Course Bundle - Specialization | 18 Course Series | 13 Mock Tests ...