Excel Error: The file couldn't open in Protected View. 02-10-2021 08:33 AM Anyone know of changes in Office 365, Excel (we're on the semi-annual channel, so we updated in Jan) that would cause this error to come up more often? It comes up when they export t...
更新:问题找到了,是因为“protected view”模式:“当您打开在Excel中从互联网上下载的2010年工作簿,...
若要从 ProtectedViewWindows 集合中返回单个 ProtectedViewWindow 对象,请使用 ProtectedViewWindows (索引) ,其中 index 是要打开的窗口的索引号。还可以使用 Application 对象的 ActiveProtectedViewWindow 属性访问代表活动“受保护的视图”窗口的 ProtectedViewWindow 对象。
After you access a ProtectedViewWindow object, use the Workbook property to access the Workbook object that represents the workbook file that is open in the Protected View window. Because a Protected View window is designed to protect the user from potentially malicious code, the operations you ca...
若要从ProtectedViewWindows集合中返回单个ProtectedViewWindow对象,请使用ProtectedViewWindows(索引) ,其中index是要打开的窗口的索引号。 还可以使用Application对象的ActiveProtectedViewWindow属性访问代表活动“受保护的视图”窗口的ProtectedViewWindow对象。 访问ProtectedViewWindow对象后,使用Workbook属性访问表示在“受保护的...
Open yourExcel File. This time, you will not face Excel not responding to errors anymore. Take Help of ‘Open & Repair’ Feature LaunchtheExcel Applicationandclick on the File button. Go to theOpen option. From the Open window,Click Fileand go to theOpen drop-down tab. ...
XLS file will not open in Excel 2016, only gray view XLSX file will not open from shortcut, only through File>Open xml error on excel XML File Help / Denomalized Data You are no loner connected to this file... You cannot use references to other worksheets or workbooks for Conditional ...
Now, the encrypted workbook can be saved. ReferSave Excel file. A complete working example to encrypt a workbook in C# is present onthis GitHub page. Openinganencryptedworkbook You can open an existing encrypted workbook (decrypting) from either the file system or the stream using the following...
Avoid using hard-coded passwords in your applications. 如果某個程序需要密碼才能執行,請向使用者要求密碼,將它儲存在變數中,然後在程式碼中使用此變數。 範例 下列程式碼範例會在新 [受保護的檢視] 視窗中開啟活頁簿。 VB ProtectedViewWindows.Open FileName:="C:\MyFiles\MyWorkbook.xls" ...