您可以結合 TRIM、MID、SUBSTITUTE、REPT 和 LEN 函數從單元格中的文本字符串中提取第 n 個單詞。 通用公式 =TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(text_string," ",REPT(" ",LEN((text_string))), (N-1)*LEN((text_string)+1, LEN((text_string))) 參數 文字字串:要從中提取第 n 個單詞的文本字符串。 它可以是...
Although there is no such thing as Substring function in Excel, there exist three Text functions (LEFT, RIGHT, and MID) to extract a substring of a given length. Also, there are FIND and SEARCH functions to get a substring before or after a specific character. And, there are a handful ...
3. In the opening Extract text dialog box, select a blank cell to output the result, and then click OK.Now the first N characters or the last N characters of selected cells are extracted as the below screenshot shown.Extract text by position from cells ...
默認情況下,Excel提供某些功能來提取文本。 例如,我們可以應用LEFT或RIGHT函數從字符串的左側或右側提取文本,或者應用MID函數以提取從指定位置開始的文本,依此類推。 對於許多Excel用戶而言,記住和應用公式在日常工作中令人頭疼。 這裡強烈推薦提取文字的效用Excel的Kutools,這項強大的功能可通過多種方式從批量選擇的單元...
We can then use the MID and LEN functions to obtain the middle name or initial. =MID(B3,LEN(C3)+1,LEN(B3)-LEN(C3&D3)) Extract Text From Cell in Google Sheets All the examples above works the same way in Google Sheets.AI Formula Generator Try for Free Excel...
其他系统视频见主页收藏夹,课件见主页近期动态加群下载。 本系列将重点围绕工作生活中所遇到的比较典型的实际问题,使用函数解决问题。并会展开对于函数嵌套的思路分析、过程演示和步骤讲解,帮助使用者将函数应用水平从初级提升至中高级。该系列视频可以作为实际问题如何
Method 3 – Using LEFT, FIND, and SUBSTITUTE Functions to Extract Text After a Character We are using the previous dataset, but we changed the lookup characters. We’ll extract the text from the cells after the character noted in the cell next to it. ...
Assuming the target text is in cell A3, the custom function is as straightforward as it gets: =ExtractWord(A3, 1) In fact, you can make it even shorter by omitting the second argument as word_num defaults to 1: =ExtractWord(A3) Now, let's compare this to the traditional MID formula...
Method 1 – SUBSTITUTE and MID Functions to Extract Text Between Two Commas Steps: Select cellC5and write down the following formula for the cell. =SUBSTITUTE(MID(SUBSTITUTE("," & B5&REPT(" ",6),",",REPT(",",255)),2*255,255),",","") ...
如果您将第一个符号位置+1(SEARCH(",", A1) +1))作为该参数,公式将开始在此部分查找第一个搜索...