當您按一下指定範圍內的下拉清單儲存格時,右側會出現一個列錶框。輸入文字以立即過濾列表,然後選擇一個項目或使用箭頭鍵並點擊Enter將其新增至單元格。 筆記: 該功能支持從單字內的任意位置進行搜尋。 這意味著即使您輸入位於單字中間或末尾的字符,仍然會找到並顯示匹配的項目,從而提供更全面和用戶友好的搜尋體驗。
通过单击其右侧的倒三角按钮 ,可以在弹出的下拉列表框中选取列表项,被选中的列表项会显示在组合框的文本框中。另外,用户也可以直接在组合框的文本框中输入具体的选项名称后,按下 Enter 键确认,使选择生效。常见的组合框如【开始】选项卡中的【字体】组合框。 微调按钮 微调按钮(SpinButton)包含一对方向相反的三角...
If you need to change the drop-down list in Excel, it's easy to do. Simply highlight the entire drop-down list, and then use the shortcut keys (Ctrl+A or Cmd+A) to select all of the text. Next, click on the Home tab and click on the Text Box Properties button. This will op...
Select the cell where you want the first drop-down list and go to the "Data" tab. Click on "Data Validation" and choose "List" from the "Allow" dropdown. In the "Source" field, enter the named range for the first table. Select the cell where you want the second drop-down list a...
1. Open the “SourceData” workbook. In this workbook, select the data you will create a drop-down list based on, type a range name into theNamebox, and then press theEnterkey. Here I name the range as City. 2. Open the worksheet you will insert drop down list. ClickFormulas>Define...
如何在Excel中用空格/逗号替换alt-enter? 例如,一些带有回车符的单元格如下图所示。 现在,您要在Excel中用空格或逗号替换这些alt输入字符,如何处理? 实际上,两者查找和替换功能和VBA可以帮助您解决问题。 通过查找和替换功能将alt输入替换为空格/逗号用VBA将alt输入替换为空格/逗号通过查找和替换功能将alt输入替换为...
(223) Application.MoveAfterReturnDirection = xlToRight '设置按Enter键后单元格的移动方向向右 (224) Application.FindFile '显示打开对话框 (225) ThisWorkbook.FollowHyperlink http://fanjy.blog.excelhome.net ‘打开超链接文档 (226) ActiveWorkbook.ChangeFileAccess Mode:=xlReadOnly '将当前工作簿设置为只读 ...
NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription File file True string Select an Excel file through File Browse. Table table True string Select a table from the drop-down. Key Column idColumn True string Select a column from the drop-down. Key Value id True string Enter the key value.Get...
Select a document library from the drop-down. File file True string Select an Excel file through File Browse. Table table True string Select a table from the drop-down. Key Column idColumn True string Select a column from the drop-down. Key Value id True string Enter the key value.Get...