Excel筛选下拉菜单的7个快捷键 本文译自7 Keyboard Shortcuts for the Filter Drop Down Menus 本文将介绍筛选下拉菜单的七个快捷键,其中的一个新快捷键是我最喜欢的,我想你也会真心喜欢。 筛选下拉菜单(之前Excel 2003中称为“自动筛选”)是在对数据进行排序和筛选时非常有用的工具。应用“筛选”后,在数据区域...
Using drop-down menus in your Excel file lets you keep things more organized, improving your productivity. Thus, whether you’re a business owner, a salesperson, or just need to manage and schedule thingsusing Microsoft Excel, you’ll benefit from knowing about drop-down menus. This article w...
本文译自7 Keyboard Shortcuts for the Filter Drop Down Menus 本文将介绍筛选下拉菜单的七个快捷键,其中的一个新快捷键是我最喜欢的,我想你也会真心喜欢。 筛选下拉菜单(之前Excel 2003中称为“自动筛选”)是在对数据进行排序和筛选时非常有用的工具。应用“筛选”后,在数据区域的标题行(顶端行)将显示小下拉...
tab bar, toolbar, and drop-down menus black or dark gray instead of the usual white or light gray. The purpose is to reduce brightness, improve contrast, and create a more comfortable viewing experience in low-light environments.
Excel drop down menus can go a long way in making your dashboard both interactive and easy for the viewers to engage with. Want to know how to create a dynamic chart with drop-down list? Here is a step-by-step guide you can follow to do it in no time. ...
Thanks to my popular Excel page, I’ve gotten several questions recently about how to create drop-down menus in Excel. Yes, a quick Google search for “Excel drop-down list” or similar would likely educate most folks well enough, but I’ve haven’t posted in a long while … and this...
Adding dropdown menus to your checklist can help standardize entries and reduce errors. To create a dropdown, select the cell where you want the dropdown to appear. Go to the “Data” tab and click “Data Validation.” In the “Settings” tab, choose “List” from the “Allow” dropdow...
Found the answer. Without realizing it, the spreadsheet I was working on was on Page Layout View rather than Normal View, which is found under the View Menu. Those drop down tools don't drop down in Page Layout view, at least they don't for me, but they work just fine in Normal Vi...
Make your Excel spreadsheets look more professional with drop-down menusSara Silverstein
I'm trying to set up a worksheet with a series of drop down lists to allow colleagues to book resources. Set up fine and all seems to be working well, but if...