error: the macros in this project are disabled, please refer to the online help or documentation of the host application to determine how to enable macros. Solution 1: 检查安全中心的设置。 Enable VBA macros is "checked". Solution 2: 看看macro书不是创建在了正确的Excel object下,有时候打开太多...
But there may be situations where macros are disabled, and Excel does not offer to enable them.First, if you haven't done so already, save the file on your PC (sometimes, if you open an Excel file directly from a website without saving it, macros are disabled without notification)....
请执行以下操作。 在消息栏中的Excel中启用宏 在Backstage视图中启用宏 通过更改信任中心设置启用宏 在消息栏中的Excel中启用宏 打开包含宏的工作簿时,消息栏将出现在编辑栏上方,请单击启用内容按钮启用宏。 单击它后,将启用此当前工作簿中的所有宏。 使用Kutools AI解锁Excel魔法 智能执行:执行单元格操作、分析数据...
Disable all macros except digitally signed macros– unsigned macros are disabled with notifications. Macros digitally signed with a special certificate by a trusted publisher are allowed to run. If you have not trusted the publisher, Excel will prompt you to trust the publisher and enable the macro...
Enable all macros (not recommended; potentially dangerous code can run):all macros are enabled without warning. Trust access to the VBA project object model:this setting allows other programs (and macros) to modify macros in any open workbooks. Some external analytics programs will require you to...
What if you want to enable just one macro in Excel and not all macros? Then the following section will show you how. How to Enable a Single Macro in an Excel File You can easily enable the spreadsheet without going through any hoops if the spreadsheet has a macro. ...
Enable all macros (not recommended, potentially dangerous code can run). All macros run without warning. Please note that this setting makes your computer open to viruses. Trust access to the VBA project object model.This checkbox forbids or allows programmatic access to the Visual Basic for Appl...
Enable All Macros in All the Excel Files Enable Macros in Files in a Specific Location/Folder Clear All Trusted Documents Before Enabling Macros – A Word of Caution! Macros are amazing, they are a huge time saver, but they can also be dangerous (not always, but sometimes). ...
Make sure the Enable Excel 4.0 macros when VBA macros are enabled and Trust access to the VBA project object model are checked. Click on the OK button. This will again take you to the Excel Options dialog. Click OK again. Read More: [Fixed!] Macros Not Working in Excel Reason 3 – ...
There are two options. The first is to disable macros by default, but keep the notification that the file contains macros that will appear when you open the file. You can then decide whether or not to enable macros for that file.