Example 5 – Deleting Rows with Empty Cells Enter the command module by pressingAlt+F11. Insert the code below in the command module: SubDelete_Rows_7()Range("B5:D14").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow.DeleteEndSub Visual Basic Copy PressF5to run the code. The code has eliminated ro...
We have some rows with blank cells, and we’ll delete entire rows that have blanks. This video cannot be played because of a technical error.(Error Code: 102006) Method 1 – Using the Go To Special Command Select the whole dataset. Go to the Home tab, choose Find & Select, and ...
代码1:从活动工作表中删除空白行 SubRemoveBlankRows()'UpdatebyExtendofficeDimwsheetAsWorksheetDimlastRowAsLongDimiAsLong' Set the worksheet variable to the active sheetSetwsheet=ActiveSheet' Get the last row of data in the worksheetlastRow=wsheet.Cells(wsheet.Rows.Count,1).End(xlUp).Row' Loop ...
To delete these blank cells,right-clickanywhere in the selected range. Then, in the drop-down menu, clickDeleteand chooseTable Rows. As a result, the rows with blanks are deleted. Possible Issue With Find & Select This method is only good to use on small tables and where there are no ...
the Go To Special function and choose the Blanks option. This will select all the empty cells. Next, right-click and select the Delete option. A dialogue box will appear, asking how the cells should be shifted or moved. Select the shift cells up option to remove the empty rows and ...
Now that all empty rows are deleted, clear the filter. Click the filter icon in Column F, check (Select All), and click OK. This deletes all blank rows from the dataset. Finally, turn off filters and delete the helper column. You can also delete rows with blank cells in them with ...
所以我们需要删除前3行。列地址的形式是“A”,“AB”,甚至“AAD”,这需要一些转换,多亏了How to ...
endrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Rowp = Sheet1.Range("F1").ValueReDim arr(1 To p, 1 To 2)For i = 1 To parr(i, 1) = iIf i <= endrow Mod p Thenarr(i, 2) = Int(endrow / p) + 1Elsearr(i, 2) = Int(endrow / p)End IfNextFor j = 1 To pFor i =...
To delete blank rows in Excel, use Go To Special, Blanks. You can also use the COUNTA function and a filter to remove empty rows.
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to quickly delete blank rows in Excel. I have covered multiple methods, including Formulas, Go To Special, and VBA