JavaScript複製 constcategoryFilter = table.columns.getItem('Category').filter; categoryFilter.applyValuesFilter(["Education","Groceries"]); 您也可以分別使用表格函式reapplyFilters()和clearFilters()來重新套用篩選及清除篩選。 下列程式碼會示範如何重新套用和清除篩選: JavaScript複製 // re-apply filterstable...
delete():void; Returns void Remarks [API set: ExcelApi 1.1] Examples TypeScript => {consttableName ='Table1';constcolumn = context.workbook.tables.getItem(tableName).columns.getItemAt(2); column.delete();awaitcontext.sync(); }); ...
This will select all the cells that have been found by the Find and Replace option.Right-click on any of the selected cells and then click the Delete option.In the Delete dialog box that opens up, select the Entire row option Click OK. This should remove all the blank rows from your ...
Delete blank rows or columns from a range, selected sheets, active sheet or all sheets If you want to delete blank rows or columns from a range, selected sheets, active sheet or all sheets, you can get it done as follows: 1. Apply this utility by clickingKutools>Delete>Delete Hidden (...
The dataset contains 5 columns representing fruit order and delivery details: Product Name, Order ID, Price, Order Date, and Status. Method 1 – Using Advanced Filter to Hide Duplicate Rows If you have duplicate rows in your sheet, follow these steps: Select the range B4:F13. Go to the ...
1. Click Kutools Plus > Worksheet > Delete Blank Worksheets, see screenshot:2. And a prompt box will appear to remind you whether you want to delete all blank worksheets or not, see screenshot:3. Then click Yes, and the blank worksheets have been deleted successfully. See screenshots:If...
columnsToReport Represents the count of columns which the card claims are in the array. displayName Represents name of the property that contains the array shown in the card. firstRowIsHeader Represents whether the first row of the array is treated as a header. layout Represents the type of ...
There is an inbuilt method that allows you to delete all the hidden rows and columns in one go, and you can also use VBA macro codes in case you want to apply this to our selected range of cells.So let’s get started!This Tutorial Covers: Delete All Hidden Rows and Columns in ...
Now that the entire table is selected, you just press "OK" to delete all duplicates. In this case, all the rows with duplicate information except for one have been deleted and the details of the deletion are displayed in the popup dialog box. ...
Added tip. To insert or delete multiple rows or columns, after selecting the row or column you want to insert/delete using either the ‘Shift’ or ‘Ctrl’ plus ‘Spacebar’ keystroke, hold down shift and use the arrow keys to select additional rows or columns. Once you’ve selected the...