Currently got an issue with Excel 2010 not using the default print settings for a couple of users on our network,basically when pressing cntrl P or selecting the print option from the file menu the printer settings are different to the print settings selected in the devices and printers menu,...
一、Default User文件夹不完整或者被删除了,导致系统无法复制新的一份。这种情况的话需要从另外一个系统拷贝一份保存到Documents and Settings目录下即可。 二、注册表中Default User文件夹的指定路径错误或丢失。这种情况的话运行regedit,找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList,...
Method 5: Change the Printer Settings Many times, Microsoft Excel can become unresponsive if unable to communicate with the default printer on your PC/Laptop. This generally happens when the printer is attached to your computer and is experiencing problems or the drivers are not updated. You can...
Your default isThisIsATestNameThatIsReallyLong1. When you open the print dialog and choose "ThisIsATestNameThatIsReallyLong2", the setting for single-sided does not change to duplex. This is because in Excel's cache, both printer names were provided truncated...
To print to another printer, press Alt+P, I. ThePrintermenu opens. Use the arrow keys to select or add a new printer or fax to send the spreadsheet to. Excel automatically places the focus on the name of the default printer in Windows. Then press Alt+P, P to pri...
Set the printer settings for each worksheet before you print the workbook. To do this, follow these steps. Note The following steps were performed with a Xerox Document Centre 265 set as the default printer. Open your workbook. On theFilemenu, point toPrint, and then clickP...
在XP下不能把本地打印机设置为默认打印机,或者有时只能在 WORD里打印,在EXCEL里却不能打印,明明安装好了打印机驱动,却 提示没有安装打印机,在EXCEL里找不到打印机,这些问题都好不常见, 网上查找到一个经过本人实践,确实见效的解决方案如下: 一、开始->运行->regedit [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Wind...
User Bwill nowinheritthe configuration settings thatUser Ahad defined withinPrinter Propertiesprior to saving the workbook. These configuration settings may differ from those default settings ofUser B. This behavior is a known issue specific to Excel 2003, Excel 2007, Excel 2010 and Excel 2013, and...
DefaultFilePath 返回或设置 Microsoft Excel 打开文件时使用的默认路径。 DefaultSaveFormat 返回或设置保存文件的默认格式。 DefaultSheetDirection 返回或设置 Microsoft Excel 显示新窗口和工作表时的默认方向。 可为以下常量之一:xlRTL(从右到左)或 xlLTR(从左到右)。 DefaultWebOptions 返回对象, DefaultWebOp...